Monday, September 30, 2013

Day 509

Just a quick post.  It's Friday so nothing to report except the food I ate.  I really am trying to eat better but don't always succeed.  It would be nice that whenever this happened a giant hand appeared and slapped me up side the head.  If only there was an app for that.

Breakfast: Three egg frittata with broccoli, corn, peas, and chicken.  20oz of cold water.

1st snack: Greek yogurt and 24 almonds

Lunch: Mushroom burger and fries

2nd snack: Banana

Dinner: Protein drink, chicken wrap, chips, handful of pretzels, and four rice crispy treats (see what I mean about a slap upside the head).

So was at friends for gaming but was able to resist going crazy for food.  Unfortunately that's going to change here in a bit as we'll start getting together on Sat nights again.  That means it'll be a 7-8 hour feeding frenzy.  I will have to work on that.  And the race is one day closer.......

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