Sunday, September 1, 2013

Day 480

Today is meeting with L day instead of our normal Saturday time.  I am going to do a practice run for the Oct race on Sat so I won't meet up with L then.  I'm beginning to get a bit more excited (how crazy is this) for the practice run so I hope it's not too disappointing when I see my times.  Of course I'm not doing it for the time more for the experience and judging how close I am currently.  It is officially a month and a half away so it's just around the corner time wise.

Breakfast: Frittata and 20oz of cold water.

1st snack: Greek yogurt and 24 almonds along with a slice of bread

Lunch: Spinach salad with cauliflower, tomato, cottage cheese, chix meatballs, and a hard boiled egg.  Also a peanut butter sandwich.

2nd snack: Slice of bread (no P.B.)

Dinner: Spinach salad with shrimp, tomato, cauliflower, two hard boiled eggs, and salsa for dressing.  48 pistachios.

The workout with L was again a good one and one I'll use next week for my weight workout.  We talked about this Sat and what I should be doing to prepare.  Friday night dinner and Sat morn breakfast in particular.  As this is a practice now is a good time to figure out what to do when the actual race happens.

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