Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Day 497

So I ended up not going to Padden and riding the bike today.  I just didn't feel up to it.  so instead I went to the gym and got in a nice workout.  I did an old routine on the treadmill and recumbent bike then lifted some weights.  I left feeling good and not to bothered that I didn't ride the bike at Padden. 
I'm thinking that this week I'll run at Padden on Tues and maybe ride the bike to work on Thurs.  Change it up a little bit.

Breakfast: Even though I didn't ride the bike I still stuck to my normal breakfast I have on this day.  Just 20oz of cold water and I added a low sodium V-8.

After the workout I had a  protein drink followed by a spicy lentil wrap and trail mix.

I planned on a D&D evening so I didn't eat a real dinner.  I had some trail mix and a granola bar and that was it.

So the workout was a good idea and it felt right.  It was a modification of a routine L had written for me a while ago.  Dumbbells and an exercise ball for a platform.  I basically did chest, biceps and triceps.

Tabata tomorrow!

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