Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Day 483

So you'd expect that I'd be feeling the pain from yesterday's practice run.  Except I'm not.  Oh I've got a few aches and pains but the back feels good and the legs aren't stiff or sore.  I wonder if I'm just lucky or I can hope that this is the future for me?
I did wake up late as it's the second of a three day weekend.  I figured I'd take it easy.  Nothing on the agenda other than just getting my lotto tickets for the coming week.  I'm trying to drink water to help the body and other than that I'm not restricting myself.  As you'll see:

Breakfast: Three egg frittata with cauliflower, tomato, chix meatballs, cottage cheese, and salsa.  This was a late breakfast more like a brunch so I expect lunch to be later also.

Lunch: Two Filet 'o Fish from MickeyD's and a large Blizzard.  Absolutely delicious and indulgent.  But I loved it.

Dinner: Also late as lunch was later in the day.  I finished off the other half of the turkey, bacon, and avocado sub sandwich from yesterday.  I also had pistachios.  Didn't count just ate them until I didn't want anymore.

So as you can tell I threw my responsible food choices out the window today.  I figure I can do that this time but will be back to it tomorrow.  I hope.

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