Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Day 484

Here we are, the third day of the three day weekend.  I'm still feeling good and will be going to the gym.  I'll get in a weight lifting workout.  I plan on doing the one L showed me last Thurs.  I'll also put in some cardio.

Breakfast: Oatmeal with 20oz of cold water.  The oatmeal was from TJ's and was very different as it was mixed with quinoa.  Odd texture and taste but not bad.

After workout meal: So I succumbed to the call of bad decisions in the food department for lunch.  I ended up picking up some pizza from the pizza by the slice store and chowed down on three pieces.  I finished it off with a candy bar.

Dinner: A spicy lentil wrap from TJ's and another candy bar.  Also had some quinoa that I am preparing for the coming week's lunches.

So I put in a good weight lifting workout at the gym.  I would like to keep doing this so I need to make the time and effort more a part of my overall workouts. 

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