Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Day 491

It's Tabata Monday!  New week and that much closer to the big race Oct 13th.  I'm starting to get a bit excited.  I also want it to be over.  Which is a somewhat annoying as that means I'm looking ahead and I really don't like to do that.  When I do that it makes time go by that much faster and it already fly's by as it is, ah well.

Breakfast: Frittata with turkey, veggie, and spicy Jack cheese.  20oz of cold water.

1st snack: Greek yogurt and 24 almonds

Lunch: This week I'm experimenting with lunch.  I'm tired of salad so going for soup.  Adding some broccoli and quinoa to the mix.

2nd snack: Small bowl of ice cream

Dinner:  Turns out I wasn't that hungry so ended up just having a Protein drink and a small piece of chocolate.  Not sure why I wasn't hungry as it was Tabata and Cassie worked me good.

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