Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Day 485

Okay it's back to work after the three day weekend that just ended.  It was a productive three days.  I did the practice run of the Oct race, coming in with a good time that was very encouraging.  I put in some down time and then got in some weight lifting to help me get back on track.  I allowed myself to over indulge food wise and will be able to continue to make better choices because of that indulgence. 
I look forward to going to the gym this week and running again on Sat.  Of course then the bike ride on Sunday is also something to look forward to.  It will be a great week.

Breakfast: Frittata with sausage and veggie.  20oz of cold water.

1st snack: Greek yogurt and 24 almonds

Lunch: The awesome Mexicali salad from TJ's with added quinoa.  A slice of bread.

2nd snack: Granola bar

Dinner: Protein drink.  Greek yogurt with Chia seeds and a small bowl of quinoa.

So went to the gym after work and lifted weights again.  This time I focused on my back and biceps.  When I was leaving and driving home I noticed my arms felt slightly weak.  A good sign that I really did some work tonight.  Yea me!

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