Sunday, September 1, 2013

Day 481

Friday.  The day before the practice run at Padden and I will just do my normal day.  I will alter one part of my schedule and that's going to bed a bit earlier than I normally would.  Also I'm eating a more carb heavy dinner.  I am expecting a slight resistance in the morning so I'm going to get up earlier than I do normally.  That way I can still get to Padden early enough but still feel like I'm not pushing too hard.

Breakfast: Two eggs (fried), skinny bun with almond butter.  20oz of cold water.

1st snack: Greek yogurt and 24 almonds

Lunch: Went out for lunch.  Ciabatta with chicken and pesto sandwich plus fries.

2nd snack: Ice tea

Dinner: Teriyaki chicken with rice and 48 pistachios.

Drank water all evening on the advice of L.  No adult beverages. 

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