Monday, May 21, 2018


So it's that time again for the RPG game con sponsored by Paizo the company that makes Pathfinder.  I haven't gone in a few years even though my group has gone every year.  I was following my other hobby, guns. This year though I decided that I needed to get back to my RPG roots.

It's going to be four days of gaming, food, booze, and gaming.  Always a good time.  I really enjoy hanging with my friends and killing orcs, and other bad creatures.  Also the social interaction is a bit out of my comfort zone at times but it's good for me.  

One of the games will be run by one of the creators of the Pathfinder system and it's based on the movie, Dale and Tucker vs Evil.  Now if you've never seen this movie, please go watch it, no really go right now and watch it!  We'll wait for you.............

Ok welcome back.  Great movie right?  The game should be just as great. 

So for four days I will be on another planet and in another dimension.  See you when I get back.

Monday, May 14, 2018

Checking in

Yep it's time for another foray into Al's retired life.

Not much to say this time around other than I'm waiting patiently for Sat to get here as it's once again time for the Speed Steel competition I like to shoot.  I did fairly well last month and then my other competition I came in 3rd, which on the surface doesn't sound that great but for me it's quite an accomplishment as I was only beaten by two of the premier shooters at this competition.  

I've got a week off from my trainer (thank goodness, ha just kidding L) but I still will get out of the house and away from the computer or should I say WoW.

The weather is lovely and reminds of one of the reasons I wanted to retire.  As any working person knows that there are times when you walk out the front door and have to go to work, and the birds are singing and the sun is shining and the grass is green, it's very difficult to not just say to hell with it and take the day off.  Well today, for me, was one of those days.  

Sorry for that but I used to feel your pain and now I don't.  Don't worry, you will all get there and you'll be happy you did.  It's the end goal or at least it was for me.

Monday, May 7, 2018

WoW and other stuff

So you may have guessed from the title that I've started playing WoW again.  Something fun to do instead of cleaning the condo or working out to keep my svelte form.  Ha just kidding....about the svelte thing.  :)

I have been over my comfortable weight since the holidays (yes Dec) and so as my annual physical is fast approaching I figure I should at least drop some weight before the doc tells me to.  Plus I'm not really into taking drugs so anything that keeps me off any high blood pressure meds is a good thing.  No matter what the right shoulder guy says about nachos (or totchos for that matter).

So healthier eating and not so much junk (not that I eat that much to begin with, junk that is).  I have started to put the meal in a small bowl so it really does look like I'm eating a gigantic serving, of course I made enough for seconds so.... And I've started to use chopsticks instead of a fork.  "They" say it's supposed to slow you down and make you feel that full feeling before you've eaten three bowls of ice cream.  Instead of just the one you planned on eating.

If you are a practised user of chopsticks, good for you.  I'm not bad but definitely it is slowing me down.  I also look at it as a hand exercise, so hey I'm good  all around.  I expect the shooting hand will appreciate that on competition days.

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Well no going back now

So it's official I'm retired.  Got my first check from Social Security today. I guess I can stop thinking I'm on vacation and start doing the stuff I said I'd do when I retired.  

No more excuses when it comes to things like going to the gym on a regular basis, getting to the range during the week to practice, and in general doing things that I couldn't do because I had to get up and go to a job.  Of course the job thing may still be a thing but we'll see how well I can budget and not succumb to the evils of laziness and procrastination

I now have the time to go see movies anytime I want and of course just getting outside during the nice summer weather we will be getting here soon.

Playing more D&D is also a good possibility.  When working it's hard to justify staying up late during the work week so this is a also something I want to pursue. Plus PaizoCon is in the near future and I feel good about attending that.  I could have done that when working but since it is at the end of May, getting the time off would have been a hassle.  Now it isn't.  ;)