Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Day 450

So it's the second day of not working out and it feels really weird.  I want to see though if it will make a difference with the muscle pull I'm experiencing.  I'm also trying to not eat more than necessary due to not working out.  I'm not totally succeeding though as there is still the leftover potluck food from yesterday.  Still trying though.  I still can't make the chiropractor until tomorrow so I'll be taking it even easier than I expected.  This week will just be nothing but sitting around and hoping to heal a bit.

Breakfast: Frittata and 20oz of cold water.

1st snack: Pasta salad and pulled pork

Lunch: Pulled pork salad.  Mixed together with pasta, potato salad, and green beans.  Also chips and salsa.

2nd snack: Small pulled pork sandwich and chips

Dinner: Small portion of Cole slaw and some of the roasted chicken.

So not much to say as I just try to make it through this week with some self control.  I'm still planning on running and riding on the weekend.  I expect that to get me back in the program.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Day 449

So in looking at the blog stats I see I've achieved over 4000 page views.  Not bad in my opinion for a blog about my trials of weighty matters.  I continue to strive for the best I can do in this world of temptations.  I definitely don't succeed at times but at the same time I feel I'm getting closer.
So this week will be one of those weeks that I do a little back sliding.  I'm choosing to not work out as my muscle pull is still bothering me.  So I'll see if not doing anything will help.  I also need to go to the chiropractor but am prevented from visiting due to circumstances beyond my control.
Otherwise a perfectly normal week.  Just a few hiccups along the way.

Breakfast: Frittata with spinach.  20oz of cold water.

1st snack: Today work is celebrating birthdays for the whole month and departing departments.  So there is a giant pot luck.  I had a plate of pasta salad and a brownie.

Lunch: There was pulled pork and chicken.  Also pasta salad, kale salad, broccoli salad, and chips with salsa.  Also an ice cream treat.  Stuffed myself.

2nd snack: More pasta salad and a pulled pork sandwich.  The sandwich was on a bun the size of a slider so not a giant sandwich.

Dinner: So not very hungry for dinner.  I stripped a roasted chicken to be used for breakfast and lunches during the week.  I had some of that and some veggie but not really hungry after the pig out at work.  Plus I didn't work out so no real need to fuel up. 

I did lift some weights right after I got home.  I did the routine L showed me last Thursday.  I really like it as it works well with the weights I have and at home I don't need any special equipment.  I think that's it though for the rest of the week.  Until Saturday and my meeting up with L.  Oh and of course the run on Sat morning.  Gotta do that since I bought the new shoes.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Day 448

Biking at Padden is getting to be more fun and I'm getting better at riding the trail.  I think.  I did lower my time though.  49 minutes.  That's three minutes faster than last week.  I also noticed that in a couple of places I stayed in the saddle instead of hopping off and walking.  So I expect that the more I ride the better I can judge the level of skill I'll need for a particular terrain.  I'm still getting off and walking both up and down hills that scare the pants off me though.

Breakfast: Today I did eat a breakfast but it was only a Cherry Pie Larabar and 20oz of cold water.

After bike ride: Protein drink

Than a late lunch: I was behind with my grocery shopping and so ended up eating a very late lunch.  It was a grain and bean salad that I doctored with cottage cheese and a hard boiled egg.  I also had a chicken leg from the roasted chicken I picked up for the weeks lunches.

I didn't have a real dinner as I was again playing D&D.  I did have a granola bar, a low sodium V-8 and water. 
So rather light food day for me.  Definitely lunch was the highlight of the meals today.  I'm thinking about trying to cut out some calories in August as an experiment.  Don't know if I can as I've tried before and it just seemed like I'd get going and then fall off the wagon.  I will say that if I do it will only be certain days.  For sure I can do it Mon-Thurs and maybe Sunday.  Friday and Sat are probably going to be days where I'll try to keep it under control but won't pressure myself to eat less.  I'm really not sure but I would like to try and see what happens.  Every meal would have to be nutrient rich and every calorie ingested would need to be only the best.  That way I would expect to get the most out every piece of food I put in my mouth.  I certainly would like to try it and see.  Maybe a shock to the system but in a good way.

Day 447

Alright 34 minutes!  I've now been consistent and we'll hope I can keep it up.  I do feel better and was able to keep running more than not running. 
I'm going out to eat for lunch so I'm experimenting with not eating breakfast this morning before running.  I don't think it will affect me too much but I'm being watchful to make sure.
Breakfast: As I said I didn't eat breakfast but just drank my 20oz of cold water.

After the run: I just drank a protein drink in preparation for waiting for my later lunch.

Lunch: So went to a local restaurant and had a Club Sandwich with Cole slaw.  The sandwich had turkey, ham, and bacon along with veggie.  I did have an adult beverage with my meal.  This was very close to the noon hour so timing was rather good compared to other weekends.

Dinner: So I met with the D&D friends again for the game.  So there were chips and Rice Crispy treats (4) to be had.  I did eat a lentil wrap along with some cottage cheese with salsa.  No matter how hard I try I just can't get a way from chips.  Chips are diabolical in their very nature.  I think it's pheromones and they prey on us.  Evil I say, Evil.

Okay so 34min not bad but still not good enough.  I did make a move today though to hopefully help myself.  I bought a new pair of shoes for running only.  I felt my current shoes might be wearing out.  And in conversation with the sales woman, she commented that replacing running shoes should happen around the one year mark.  It turns out I'd bought the current shoes about a year ago.  So this was a spur of the moment purchase and I'm glad I stopped to check out some new shoes.

Now I can't wait for next Saturday to see how the new shoes do.

Day 446

Yay, it's Friday!  I will be running tomorrow at Padden and then on Sunday riding the bike as I continue to train for the race in October.  Today though is all about taking it easy and trying NOT to sweat.  I've pretty much sweated every day this week.  So today no sweating.  I'm also allowing myself to go out for lunch and so will eat at the Mexican taco truck restaurant I really like.  I might even splurge and get a Mt Dew.  I haven't had one of those in quite some time, at least not that I remember.

Breakfast: Another frittata but this one only had spinach in it.  I did have a skinny bun with turkey though as an addition.  20oz of cold water.

1st snack: Greek yogurt and 24 almonds

Lunch: Mexican sandwich called a Torta.  Plus drank a can of Mt Dew.  Yum.  That's my soda limit for the next six months.  I hope.  The sandwich consisted of steak, cabbage, jalapeno, avocado, and hot sauce.  Quite good and filling.

Dinner: Worked all day as the job needed some fill-ins.  So when I got home I was a bit more hungry than normal.  Do two pieces of fish with a tortilla and a couple of adult beverages.  As a late nite snack I had 24 almonds.

So even though I didn't sweat today I tried to be sensible food wise.  Of course the Mt Dew kinda blows that theory but I still didn't do too badly.  I have to just continue to keep it on the right side of bad. 

Okay tomorrow is running so we'll see if I can get my time down.

Day 445

Meeting with L today after work.  I'm busy this Sat so instead of skipping the training it's happening tonight.  I expect to get sweaty again.  It seems like this week is the week of making me sweat.  Heck I'm okay with that though.

Breakfast: The frittata is finished off for breakfast.  I added some turkey and of course the 20oz of cold water.

1st snack: Greek yogurt and 24 almonds

Lunch: Spinach salad with chicken, cauliflower, Bok Choy, tomato, avocado, and salsa for dressing.

2nd snack: Peanut Butter Larabar

Dinner: Protein drink.  Greek yogurt and Chia seeds.  Couple of slices of turkey and a banana with almond butter.

So L put me through a routine that was fun but hard.  Definitely made me sweat and certainly let me know I'd lifted some weights.  I expect to use this one a few times in the coming weeks as it really hit some areas I'm wanting to work on.  The nice thing about it is the fact it's very minimal, using only a couple of weight plates and that's it.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Day 444

Ya it's Tabata Day.  Good class and we were able to make an impression.  I once again got my sweat on and left it all on the floor (puddles of sweat that is).  Just warming up though for meeting L tomorrow.  I'm sure she'll have some fun with me.

Breakfast: Frittata and turkey.  20oz of cold water.

1st snack: Greek yogurt and 24 almonds

Lunch: Spinach salad with cauliflower, chicken, avocado, tomato, and salsa for dressing.

Dinner: Met friends from work and had Sushi.  It was a conveyor belt sushi place.  So there were many plates whizzing by with lots of temptation.  So I took advantage of the evening and ended up having 10 plates of various types of sushi.  Also an adult beverage.  Maybe a bit over the top but it was GOOD.  I didn't stuff myself though, so I figure that's some type of win.  Also I was just at the gym for Tabata. 
Ya no excuses, I over did it again.  Ha life makes no sense sometimes.  And other times life is more than a bowl of cherries.  Just need to keep moving forward and try to live my life.  I have to live but will continue to try to live within reason when it comes to times like this.  I don't call tonight a failure but I could have been more reasonable.  Continuing to learn the lessons called life, that's what I have to do.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Day 443

Not much to say other than went to the stretching class at the gym and got my sweat on.  It's amazing to me how much work it is to do yoga.  Some of the poses (is that what they're called?) had me sweating as much as Tabata does.  Not a bad thing definitely. 

Breakfast: Frittata with Bok Choy, cheese, and tomato along with some other stuff I don't remember.  It was good and tasty.  Also a cheesy biscuit.  20oz of cold water.

1st snack: Greek yogurt and 24 almonds

Lunch: Spinach salad with Bok Choy, tomato, chicken, avocado, cauliflower, red pepper, and salsa for dressing.

2nd snack: Apple Pie Larabar

Dinner: Greek yogurt and Chia seeds

Tomorrow is Tabata and I'm up for it.  Today was preparation for what comes tomorrow and it was good.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Day 442

So it's Tabata Monday but no Tabata.  I was the only person showing up for the class (beautiful weather outside, duh).  So I ended up lifting some weights instead but it really wasnt' the same.  That's okay though as the rest of the week will be great.  Plus I'm meeting L on Thursday this week so I won't miss out on our workout.  Saturday I'm busy so I'll just go for the run at Padden  and then go do my volunteer thing.

Breakfast: Made a frittata for the week's breakfast.  It has onion, bok choy, cheese, green pepper, and tomato.  Quite delish.  I also had a savoy biscuit roll from the local bakery.

1st snack: Greek yogurt and 24 almonds

Lunch: Spinach salad with tomato, avocado, chicken, bok choy, and cauliflower.  Salsa for dressing.

2nd snack: Peanut Butter Larabar

Dinner: Since I didn't really work out I skipped the protein drink.  I did have a Mexicali salad from TJ's.  Added some Chia seeds and three slices of deli turkey.

No Tabata was a bit disappointing but understandable.  I will have to make sure I get in a good workout later in the week to make up for it.  Oh yea I'm meeting L later in the week.  Problem solved!

Monday, July 22, 2013

Day 441

It's ride the crazy mountain bike trail day at Padden.  I am really starting to get the hang of it.  At least to a point.  There are some crazy insane parts and I'm quite happy to just get off and walk/stumble through those. 
I did improve my time from last week.  I clocked in at 52min.  So almost a full ten minutes off my original run.  I figure the more I ride this trail the more familiar I become.  That translates into the ability to predict how much I can ride and when to start walking the insane parts.

Breakfast: Bialy with almond butter and 20oz of cold water.

After bike ride: Protein drink.  Mahi Mahi burger with tomato and avocado on Rye bread.

Midday lunch: Tortilla and turkey.

Evening meal: Not really a meal as I was gaming.  I took two beef jerky sausages and a granola bar.  When I got home I was feeling some hunger but it was after 9pm so I just ignored the call.

So a very good day on the bike.  I'm really starting to feel a bit more confident but have a long way to go.
I'm thinking that some time in August I will do a practice race.  The whole run-bike-run.  Just to see how hard it will be.  Also so I can see how close I can come to actually finishing this thing.

Day 440

So here we are.  Another day of running around Lake Padden.  I actually felt good and was able to keep up a fairly consistent pace.  Still not convinced I'm really running but at least it seems like I'm getting the motion down.  I did clock in at 34 minutes so that's a bit of improvement definitely.  Lorinda had a race so we didn't meet after the run and I was at a loss as to what to do.  In hindsight I should have gone to the gym and threw some iron around for a little while.
Tomorrow will be the bike ride and I'm excited to get out there.  I think I can cut some time off of the ride so it will be practice, practice and more practice.

Breakfast: Cherry Pie Larabar and 20oz of cold water.

After the run: Protein drink

After grocery shopping: I'm changing my grocery shopping day to Sat for now.  Sunday with the biking doesn't allow enough time for everything I feel I have to do.  I'll see it that will make Sunday a bit less hectic.  So I had a deli sandwich.  It was on low carb/high protein bread with turkey, pesto, and lots of veggie.  Also a banana.

Mid afternoon lunch: Tortilla with cheese and turkey.

Met up with friends in the early evening and we BBQ'd.  I had two burgers and chips.  And then later in the evening I had a slice of rye bread with almond butter, a slice of apple/walnut bread, and a small piece of cinnamon roll.

So once again I stepped up to the line and then stepped over the line.  Two hamburgers was one too many.  I just can't seem to control the impulse.  Especially in a social setting.  The chips were okay but I really have to think more when it comes to social eating.  In a way it's like alcohol, most people drink when they are with others and don't realize how much they've drank until it's too late. Thinking about the fact that I ate the extra burger now doesn't really help.  I have to get better at thinking about it in the moment.
I don't need to feel deprived because I'm only eating ONE hamburger.  I need to enjoy and savor that one hamburger and look forward knowing I made a good choice.  I will still eat the hamburger and enjoy the fact I'm not limiting my life, I'm prolonging my life.

Here's a thought.  Maybe next time my friends invite me for a BBQ I will bring my own burger.  That way I know I will be eating a burger that will satisfy me and so not feel the need for quantity over quality.  Hmm.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Day 439

Here it is, the end of the week.  Friday, my off day and time to look forward to the weekend.  I will be running in the morning but not sure what I will do after that as L has a race so we got together on Thurs this week.  Next week I'm not available on Sat so we will mix up the schedule again.

Breakfast: Egg on a skinny bun with tomato, turkey, and avocado. Had another mine scone along with 20oz of cold water.

1st snack: Greek yogurt and 24+ almonds.  I had extra almonds today on purpose.

Lunch: Meatloaf on a low carb tortilla with cheese.  Since I was going to have an ice cream treat again today I skipped the extra stuff I normally had with the meatloaf.

Dinner: Salad with the last of the meatloaf (mixed in), cauliflower, tomato, cottage cheese, avocado, and salsa for dressing.  Finished off the mini scones(2) because I wanted to get rid of them.  I also had a tea drink.

So psyched for the run in the morning.  I'm getting up a bit earlier as I expect there to be another race at Padden like last week.  This way I can get the run in without having to deal with people.

Day 438

Met with L today for our weekly workout.  It was a good one as we worked the upper body.  Definitely fatigued the biceps and worked the back.  In hindsight I could have upped the weight on at least one of the back sets.  Next time I will know.

Breakfast: Egg, skinny bun, avocado, turkey, and tomato.  Finally remembered the dessert for breakfast and had one of the mini cranberry/orange tea scones.  Also 20oz of cold water.

1st snack: Greek yogurt and 24 almonds.  Put the bag back in the refrigerator so I wouldn't eat more than the 24.  Have to keep up on that.

Lunch: Meatloaf on a low carb tortilla with tomato, avocado, lettuce, cheese, and black bean/corn salsa.  Ice cream treat.

2nd snack: Apple Pie Larabar

Dinner: Bean/quinoa salad with cottage cheese, cauliflower, and salsa.  Handful of almonds and a protein drink.

It felt good to workout with L today.  Throws off the schedule a bit but I was glad we got together.  Again another workout I will do on my own when I need a structured set.

Day 437


Breakfast: Egg, turkey, skinny bun, tomato, and avocado.  20oz of cold water.

1st snack: Two quesadillas from last night and two cookies

Lunch: Meatloaf on a low carb tortilla with tomato, avocado, lettuce, and black bean/corn salsa.  A quesadilla and a cookie.

2nd snack: Quesadilla and a cookie

Dinner: Protein drink and Greek yogurt with Chia seeds.

Good to get back to Tabata.  I am meeting L this week on Thursday so tomorrow will be a hard workout day.  I look forward to the session.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Day 436

So I won't be able to go to the gym for the stretching class this week.  I have a staff meeting that I have to go to.  I figure I will have to work extra hard tomorrow in Tabata to make up for it.  The meeting will have food provided so my usual dinner meal will be very different than normal.

Breakfast: Egg on a skinny bun with turkey, tomato, and avocado.  20oz of cold water.  I was going to do the dessert at breakfast thing again but I keep forgetting to eat the dessert I picked up.  Maybe tomorrow.

1st snack: Greek yogurt and 24+ almonds.  Again I left the bag of almonds on the table and I succumbed to the call of more.  Gotta stop doing that.

Lunch: Low carb tortilla with meatloaf, tomato, lettuce, avocado, and cheese with black bean/corn salsa.

2nd snack: Peanut Butter Larabar

Dinner: Staff meeting provided quesadillas for the meeting.  I had four of them and then when I got home I had a mini cranberry/orange tea scone (supposed to be for breakfast but....).  Also had a quinoa/bean salad, 1/2 cup.

I've started to eat the 2nd snack now on a fairly regular basis.  I think it helps later, especially on Tabata days.

Tomorrow is Tabata again and I expect to eat some more of the quesadillas during the day.  Probably at each break and even lunch.  Can't help it they're so good.

It felt weird to not go to the gym.  Good thing it's Tabata tomorrow.

Day 435

New Day new week.  Lunch this week is going to be meatloaf sandwiches.  I haven't had meatloaf in quite a while and I started thinking about going to a deli for a sandwich.  I realized I should just make my own and that way it would be at least a bit more healthy.  Mixed a pound of ground turkey and a pound of Italian sausage that is produced here locally. 
I was back in class for Tabata and that was a good thing also.

Breakfast: Egg with tomato, avocado, and turkey on a skinny bun.  20oz of cold water.

1st snack: Greek yogurt and 24 almonds

Lunch: Meatloaf sandwich made with a low carb tortilla, cheese, tomato, avocado, and lettuce with black bean/corn salsa.  There were some chips on the break room table and I had a few.

2nd snack: Apple Pie Larabar

Dinner: 1/2 cup of cottage cheese, small piece of meatloaf, a cup of cauliflower, and salsa.  Protein drink.

So back on track with Tabata tonight.  It felt good to sweat and experience the workout.  I was sorry I missed last weeks class.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Day 434

Bike at Padden day.  I was really looking forward to getting back on the bike.  I bought a new helmet and was ready to debut it.  Had a bit of a shock though.  As I pulled up to the parking lot, it seemed that there was some kind of function going on.  It all worked out though.  Turns out there was a mountain bike race scheduled for the day.  I was able to talk to the organizer and got permission to ride the course.  The race wasn't until later in the morning.  Good thing I like to get an early start.
So the ride was a bit better than last time.  I did it in under one hour.  I'm not exact on this as I started my stop watch at the car not at the start of the course.  Also I got mixed up due to the race course having placed arrows and blocking ribbons to direct the racers and it sent me off course.  Still even with that I made it under the hour time I set for myself.
I also figured out that when I have to get off and walk I should be moving a bit faster.  I actually ran with my bike in a few places.  I think that will help my time.  There are some many places where there is no way I'm going to be on the bike.  Too many down hill with roots and drops for my comfort zone.  Feeling good though so I'll be able to get better the more I ride that trail.

Breakfast: I wanted to eat something this morning before the ride.  Had a Cherry Pie Larabar and of course my 20oz of cold water.

After the bike ride: Protein drink

After grocery shopping meal: A rather weird one.  Two chicken tenders with 3/4 of a cup of Sesame noodle salad.  One mini orange/cranberry Tea Scone.

Dinner: Mexicali salad with the rest of the Sesame noodle salad, some tomato, and cottage cheese.

So the weekend training is back on track after the vacation.  Last weekend was great fun but I do think I missed working out along with the running and riding.  October here I come!

Day 433

Started the day with the run around Padden.  35min.  I almost ran the entire course with minimal breaks.  I then went to the gym and met with L and she put me through an excellent core/chest workout.  At least that's how my brain perceived it.  Once again another workout I can do on my own.  I will probably do this one on the coming Tues.

Breakfast: Experimented with not eating any thing before running.  I did drink the 20oz of water though.  Hope I can make the run without using the restroom.

After run: Protein drink

After workout meal: Made a big salad and added two pieces of Blackened Tipilia.  Used some tomato and salsa for dressing.

Okay here's where I really go off the rails.  The D&D group is starting up again after a two and a half month hiatus.  We ended up having burritos.  Hmm lots of Mexican this week for me.  I had three smallish burritos, a small plate of nachos, chips and salsa (probably way more than I should have but still didn't go totally crazy), a large adult beverage, and..wait for it... five snack size Rice Crispy Treats.  Sorry couldn't help it.  The giant box of them were sitting there on the table and they were definitely calling to me.  I really like them.  And the final blow came from me.  I brought a huge container of cheese balls.  They are the puff cheese snacks.  I definitely ate way more of those than was completely necessary.  Ah well.  So much for my run and workout.

Day 432

My favorite day of the week, Friday!  I've said that I skip working out and almost always cheat a bit food wise on Friday.  Today was no exception.  A co-worker was leaving so we all went out and had a good-bye dinner.  I tried to be good and take some home, didn't work out.  I thought about it as the last mouthful was going down.  Silly but that's the way life is, it's tricky that way.  I'm okay with it though as I learn to deal with the setbacks and it makes a difference next time. 

Breakfast: Two eggs on a skinny bun with tomato, roast beef, and tomato.  20oz of cold water.

1st snack: Greek yogurt and 24+ almonds.  Still need to put that bag of almonds away once I've counted out the 24.

Lunch: Two corn tortillas with the last of the felafel's.  Added cheese, lettuce, and corn/bean salsa.

Skipped the 2nd snack since I knew I was going to eat out later for dinner.

Dinner: Went Mexican.  Had a small steak along with a small enchilada and rice and beans.  Limited myself fairly well on the chips and salsa.  Added some guacamole to the meal also.  Of course had two adult beverages, but not the crazy gigantic ones that I normally have.

So the dinner was a bit over zealous and I will have to watch that.  Tomorrow though is the weekend and that means running and biking and working out with L.  A good weekend of exercise to be had.

Day 431

Okay almost caught up here.  This day I went to the gym after work and lifted weights.  I actually worked all upper body.  Hit the chest, superset the biceps, did some work on triceps, and then worked the back.  I wanted to get in some weights as I've been neglecting that part of the workout, leaving it up to L on Saturdays. 
I'm committed to working on that a bit more.  I think that's what Tues before stretching and Thurs should be about.  Especially since I'm doing Tabata on Mon and Weds.  So those days cover my cardio/endurance and then the run on Sat and bike on Sun.  Quite jam packed and I like it.  That's the plan for now.  Until October.  With some adjustments along the way.

Breakfast: Two eggs on a skinny bun with roast beef, tomato, and avocado.  20oz of cold water.

1st snack: Greek yogurt and 24+ almonds.  I'm noticing that I'm eating a few more almonds than I have in the past.  I have been leaving the bag on the table so I guess I need to put it away.  Out of sight out of mind?

Lunch:  Two tortilla's with cheese, felafel, lettuce, and bean/corn salsa.

2nd snack: Apple Pie Larabar

Dinner: Greek yogurt and chia seeds.  Jerky and a granola bar.

Day 430

Tabata!  Yes I'm back to the Tabata routine.  Need I say more?  Probably not. 

Breakfast: Slept in so ended up just drinking my 20oz of cold water and then eating a Cherry Pie Larabar after I got to work. 

1st snack: Greek Yogurt and 24+ almonds.

Lunch: Falafel in a low carb tortilla with bean/corn salsa, cheese, and lettuce.  I realized I was still hungry (didn't eat my usual breakfast, so a lesson there I think) so I had another tortilla but with just cheese in the microwave.

Dinner: Back to my normal evening meal.  Greek yogurt with chia seeds and the last of the beet.

Tabata was tough but again a good workout.

Day 429

So as things happen i'm way behind on updating this recital of my healthy life.  Day 429 was six days ago.  Fortunately I keep meticulas records of every aspect of my days, not.  So in a vague attempt to reconcile the promise I made to myself ( to record every day I've lived healthy), i'm going to be very brief.  So here's the first of a few barren entries:

Breakfast: Egg on a skinny bun with roast beef, tomato, and avocado.  20oz of cold water.

Lunch: I didn't have a break so I combined my break and lunch.  I was still winding down from vacation mode so I ended up at the Taco truck reastaurant.  I had four of the street tacos.

2nd snack: i'm starting to eat this afternoon snack.  Today it was a Peanut Butter Larabar

Dinner: Beets (no not bats as someone said), trail mix, Jerky, and a low sodium V-8.

Finally made it back to the gym and went to the stretching/yoga class.  It felt good to be back working out.  I'm still going to do a mini routine before the stretching class to maximize my gym time.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Day 428

It's the first day after the four day pig-out.  I weighed myself this morning and I gained some weight back.  My clothes still fit fine except for a tiny bit of tightness.  I didn't do much in the way of exercise even though I should be back to it.  I promised myself I would get back on the program today but it doesn't look like it's going to happen.  I need to go to the chiropractor and so am giving myself one more day off.

I was a bit creaky after the four days of sitting in one place hours at a time and basically not moving.  Sure my upper body and arms got some movement but rolling dice isn't really what I'd call exercise. 

Food wise I did fairly well getting back on point.  I am going back to trying to limit my carb intake and eat smaller dinners.  I was only partially successful today.  Tomorrow will be better, I think.

Breakfast: Egg with tomato, avocado, and three slices of roast beef on a skinny bun.  20oz of cold water.

Lunch: Didn't have a 1st snack as my lunch and break were together so I could go to the chiro.  I did eat at a hamburger joint.  I had a regular hamburger and a DLX cheeseburger.  No fries or soda.

Dinner: Two slices of thin crust pizza.  Also trail mix and jerky.

So today was a bit of mixed bag overall.  No gym and not the best food choices but not really horrible choices either.

Tomorrow will be the true test of my commitment.  I am confident though, that I am going in right direction to get back to my program.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Day 424 Thru 427 or How I learned to Eat Poorly but Still Like Myself

So this will be a tale of how to eat and eat and drink without worrying about the consequences.  For four days and nites I allowed myself to indulge my inner desire to eat whatever I wanted.  I had multiple servings of sushi and deep fried goodness.  I indulged in a giant hamburger not once but twice.  I ate French fries and onion rings by the platter.  I drank adult beverages like I really meant it.  I ate breakfast with eggs and bacon galore.  There were bagels and croissants along with donuts and breakfast pastry.  It was glorious.  

I had planned on getting a little exercise in the morning before I proceeded to the gaming rooms.  That turned out to be a pipe dream.  The first morning I was able to get in some body weight exercises  and the second morning pretty much a similar routine happened.  The next morning though I overslept, so no love there. The last morning I didn't even try to fool myself, it was just not happening.  I did walk up and down the stairs at the hotel, well in a way.  My friends were on the floor below me, so I did run up and down the stairwell as it took too long to wait for the elevator.  Don't think this would qualify as exercise though, as it was only 20-30 stairs.  I did it probably 6-7 times the entire four days.

I weighed myself on the morning of the first day.  I weighed in at my new weight of 229lbs.  I weighed myself again five days later when I got up to go back to work.  I weighed 238lbs.  My clothes still fit (maybe a little tight). 

I plan on getting back on track, as the training for the race in October is now four and a half months away.  So now I have no excuse to get working.

I had a great time away and the food was well worth the punishment I will endure losing the weight it created.  I knew what I was doing as I ate myself silly.  I also know that it was exactly what I needed.  The opportunity to eat like the old days and then reflect on the fact that even though I enjoyed the experience, I didn't really need to eat like that to live. 

220 is beckoning to me from the not too far distance and it's a distance I can make.  I will make the effort as I can see the reward.  And beyond.

Day 423

So I'm in full blown vacation mode.  I didn't work out today and ate stuff I haven't eaten in at least a year or more.  I'm heading into a four day weekend with nothing but bad food and lots of it along with hardly any exercise beyond getting up and walking to the elevator to sit for hours.  Here's how the pre-vacation started:

Breakfast: Two eggs with tomato, avocado, and bacon on a skinny bun.  20oz of cold water.

1st snack: Greek yogurt and 24+ almonds

Lunch: 2 corn tortillas with hummus, tahini, tomato, lettuce, and pulled chicken.

Dinner: Two Filet o' Fish from McD's and a large order of fries.  Also a small bowl of trail mix and an apple with a tablespoon of almond butter.

I've been craving the McD's so I figured I might as well do it now as it would just be a small part of the overall debacle.  I enjoyed it immensely.

I plan on trying to get in a short workout each morning while I'm gone but we'll see how that works out.  Stay tuned for the epic tale.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Day 422

So I'm just getting this entry down so I can keep up.  This whole week will be a throwback to the old days.  Thinking about working out but not really keeping the eating under control.  So here's the breakdown for today:

No breakfast.  I decided to pull a short fast.  Not making this a habit but figured it wouldn't hurt.

1st snack: Greek yogurt and 24 almonds.  Actually I had a few more almonds than the 24 due to not eating breakfast.  So there was a clear 14hrs of not eating before the snack.

Lunch: Two corn tortillas (small size) with pulled chicken, hummus, tahini, tomato, and lettuce.

2nd snack: Since I was hungry yesterday at this time I decided to bring a Cherry Pie Larabar in case I felt hungry.  Glad I did as I was hungry.

Dinner: 2 skinny buns with the tuna/egg salad mix and tomato and avocado.  Added a little bit of bacon also.  Chips and salsa small serving of those.  Big handful of trail mix.

I once again did a home workout.  I did some body weight exercises and some stretching.  I worked a sweat though not as much as last night.

Day 421

Nothing much to say so I'm just going to list the food and a quick recap of my workout.

Breakfast: Egg and bacon on a skinny bun with tomato and avocado.  20oz of cold water.

1st snack: Greek yogurt and 24 almonds

Lunch: Continuing the theme from the last few weeks I had a low carb tortilla with pulled chicken (home made), tomato, lettuce, hummus, and tahini.

2nd snack: For once I was feeling hungry so I had almonds.  Didn't count them so probably more than 24.  Funny that I was hungry at this time of the day as I normally am not really hungry.

Dinner: So I was definitely hungry and I ended up eating 5 Wasa Crisp sandwiches.  These consisted of a Crisp with avocado, tomato, and salsa with a tuna/hard boiled egg salad mix.

So I didn't go to the gym after work but ended up lifting some weights at home.  I worked up a good sweat and felt like I did not just goof off.  Even though I was okay with that possibility.  This is how the rest of the week will probably go.  I don't plan on the gym until next Monday.  So a full week off with only some minor workouts during that time.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Day 420

Did the Padden bike ride today (one hour and 7 minutes) as I get started on the new program.  It's quite an exhausting ride to say the least and absolutely some hairy spots that I'm always going to walk rather than ride.  The down hill on a tight trail is fairly scary stuff and I don't think I'll ever get used to it.  Of course if I was in my 20's, maybe.  At the same time I know that I need to keep riding the trail and get as used to the scariness as possible.  That will help I'm sure.  The other part of the equation is simply the energy needed to just make the ride.  There are many up hill spots that I just can't ride and I hope I can work on that with these weekend trips to Padden.  Somewhat like the running parts. I will need to work it as I must cut some time out.  As I am trying with the running I'm sure I can lay down a better time.  Just gotta do it.

I went to another gaming session tonight and only took a Peanut Butter Larabar.  I wasn't hungry until I got home and had time to think about it.  The research I read was proven once again.  The experts talk about hunger and how it can quite often be in your head and not your stomach.  Well that's what happened to me.  Oh well this week is a write off any way.  I'm not going to the gym until next week but I'm going to try to do some work at home and then at the hotel.

For the Fourth of July weekend I'm heading to the SeaTac area for a weekend of nerdiness.  Playing D&D all weekend and I'm not limiting myself food or drink wise.  Which means that after this weekend I'm back to it until October.

Breakfast: Cherry Pie Larabar and 20oz of cold water.

After bike ride: Protein drink

After grocery shopping: Mexicali salad with chicken and cottage cheese (1/2 cup).  Also chips and salsa.

That was it except for the Peanut Butter Larabar at the game and then when I got home (late in the evening) way more chips and salsa than was necessary.  I also had some trail mix and bacon (? very random there).

I really believe that it was possible to avoid those chips and salsa except for the fact I should have eaten something beyond the Larabar.  Oh well still working it out.