Sunday, July 14, 2013

Day 431

Okay almost caught up here.  This day I went to the gym after work and lifted weights.  I actually worked all upper body.  Hit the chest, superset the biceps, did some work on triceps, and then worked the back.  I wanted to get in some weights as I've been neglecting that part of the workout, leaving it up to L on Saturdays. 
I'm committed to working on that a bit more.  I think that's what Tues before stretching and Thurs should be about.  Especially since I'm doing Tabata on Mon and Weds.  So those days cover my cardio/endurance and then the run on Sat and bike on Sun.  Quite jam packed and I like it.  That's the plan for now.  Until October.  With some adjustments along the way.

Breakfast: Two eggs on a skinny bun with roast beef, tomato, and avocado.  20oz of cold water.

1st snack: Greek yogurt and 24+ almonds.  I'm noticing that I'm eating a few more almonds than I have in the past.  I have been leaving the bag on the table so I guess I need to put it away.  Out of sight out of mind?

Lunch:  Two tortilla's with cheese, felafel, lettuce, and bean/corn salsa.

2nd snack: Apple Pie Larabar

Dinner: Greek yogurt and chia seeds.  Jerky and a granola bar.

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