So as things happen i'm way behind on updating this recital of my healthy life. Day 429 was six days ago. Fortunately I keep meticulas records of every aspect of my days, not. So in a vague attempt to reconcile the promise I made to myself ( to record every day I've lived healthy), i'm going to be very brief. So here's the first of a few barren entries:
Breakfast: Egg on a skinny bun with roast beef, tomato, and avocado. 20oz of cold water.
Lunch: I didn't have a break so I combined my break and lunch. I was still winding down from vacation mode so I ended up at the Taco truck reastaurant. I had four of the street tacos.
2nd snack: i'm starting to eat this afternoon snack. Today it was a Peanut Butter Larabar
Dinner: Beets (no not bats as someone said), trail mix, Jerky, and a low sodium V-8.
Finally made it back to the gym and went to the stretching/yoga class. It felt good to be back working out. I'm still going to do a mini routine before the stretching class to maximize my gym time.
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