Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Day 442

So it's Tabata Monday but no Tabata.  I was the only person showing up for the class (beautiful weather outside, duh).  So I ended up lifting some weights instead but it really wasnt' the same.  That's okay though as the rest of the week will be great.  Plus I'm meeting L on Thursday this week so I won't miss out on our workout.  Saturday I'm busy so I'll just go for the run at Padden  and then go do my volunteer thing.

Breakfast: Made a frittata for the week's breakfast.  It has onion, bok choy, cheese, green pepper, and tomato.  Quite delish.  I also had a savoy biscuit roll from the local bakery.

1st snack: Greek yogurt and 24 almonds

Lunch: Spinach salad with tomato, avocado, chicken, bok choy, and cauliflower.  Salsa for dressing.

2nd snack: Peanut Butter Larabar

Dinner: Since I didn't really work out I skipped the protein drink.  I did have a Mexicali salad from TJ's.  Added some Chia seeds and three slices of deli turkey.

No Tabata was a bit disappointing but understandable.  I will have to make sure I get in a good workout later in the week to make up for it.  Oh yea I'm meeting L later in the week.  Problem solved!

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