Sunday, July 14, 2013

Day 432

My favorite day of the week, Friday!  I've said that I skip working out and almost always cheat a bit food wise on Friday.  Today was no exception.  A co-worker was leaving so we all went out and had a good-bye dinner.  I tried to be good and take some home, didn't work out.  I thought about it as the last mouthful was going down.  Silly but that's the way life is, it's tricky that way.  I'm okay with it though as I learn to deal with the setbacks and it makes a difference next time. 

Breakfast: Two eggs on a skinny bun with tomato, roast beef, and tomato.  20oz of cold water.

1st snack: Greek yogurt and 24+ almonds.  Still need to put that bag of almonds away once I've counted out the 24.

Lunch: Two corn tortillas with the last of the felafel's.  Added cheese, lettuce, and corn/bean salsa.

Skipped the 2nd snack since I knew I was going to eat out later for dinner.

Dinner: Went Mexican.  Had a small steak along with a small enchilada and rice and beans.  Limited myself fairly well on the chips and salsa.  Added some guacamole to the meal also.  Of course had two adult beverages, but not the crazy gigantic ones that I normally have.

So the dinner was a bit over zealous and I will have to watch that.  Tomorrow though is the weekend and that means running and biking and working out with L.  A good weekend of exercise to be had.

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