Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Day 424 Thru 427 or How I learned to Eat Poorly but Still Like Myself

So this will be a tale of how to eat and eat and drink without worrying about the consequences.  For four days and nites I allowed myself to indulge my inner desire to eat whatever I wanted.  I had multiple servings of sushi and deep fried goodness.  I indulged in a giant hamburger not once but twice.  I ate French fries and onion rings by the platter.  I drank adult beverages like I really meant it.  I ate breakfast with eggs and bacon galore.  There were bagels and croissants along with donuts and breakfast pastry.  It was glorious.  

I had planned on getting a little exercise in the morning before I proceeded to the gaming rooms.  That turned out to be a pipe dream.  The first morning I was able to get in some body weight exercises  and the second morning pretty much a similar routine happened.  The next morning though I overslept, so no love there. The last morning I didn't even try to fool myself, it was just not happening.  I did walk up and down the stairs at the hotel, well in a way.  My friends were on the floor below me, so I did run up and down the stairwell as it took too long to wait for the elevator.  Don't think this would qualify as exercise though, as it was only 20-30 stairs.  I did it probably 6-7 times the entire four days.

I weighed myself on the morning of the first day.  I weighed in at my new weight of 229lbs.  I weighed myself again five days later when I got up to go back to work.  I weighed 238lbs.  My clothes still fit (maybe a little tight). 

I plan on getting back on track, as the training for the race in October is now four and a half months away.  So now I have no excuse to get working.

I had a great time away and the food was well worth the punishment I will endure losing the weight it created.  I knew what I was doing as I ate myself silly.  I also know that it was exactly what I needed.  The opportunity to eat like the old days and then reflect on the fact that even though I enjoyed the experience, I didn't really need to eat like that to live. 

220 is beckoning to me from the not too far distance and it's a distance I can make.  I will make the effort as I can see the reward.  And beyond.

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