Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Day 449

So in looking at the blog stats I see I've achieved over 4000 page views.  Not bad in my opinion for a blog about my trials of weighty matters.  I continue to strive for the best I can do in this world of temptations.  I definitely don't succeed at times but at the same time I feel I'm getting closer.
So this week will be one of those weeks that I do a little back sliding.  I'm choosing to not work out as my muscle pull is still bothering me.  So I'll see if not doing anything will help.  I also need to go to the chiropractor but am prevented from visiting due to circumstances beyond my control.
Otherwise a perfectly normal week.  Just a few hiccups along the way.

Breakfast: Frittata with spinach.  20oz of cold water.

1st snack: Today work is celebrating birthdays for the whole month and departing departments.  So there is a giant pot luck.  I had a plate of pasta salad and a brownie.

Lunch: There was pulled pork and chicken.  Also pasta salad, kale salad, broccoli salad, and chips with salsa.  Also an ice cream treat.  Stuffed myself.

2nd snack: More pasta salad and a pulled pork sandwich.  The sandwich was on a bun the size of a slider so not a giant sandwich.

Dinner: So not very hungry for dinner.  I stripped a roasted chicken to be used for breakfast and lunches during the week.  I had some of that and some veggie but not really hungry after the pig out at work.  Plus I didn't work out so no real need to fuel up. 

I did lift some weights right after I got home.  I did the routine L showed me last Thursday.  I really like it as it works well with the weights I have and at home I don't need any special equipment.  I think that's it though for the rest of the week.  Until Saturday and my meeting up with L.  Oh and of course the run on Sat morning.  Gotta do that since I bought the new shoes.

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