Thursday, September 12, 2013

Day 494

Met with L today after work.  We did core and back work this time.  It was a good finish to the week for me.  L is running a race this weekend and I'm going on a boat to search for whales.  We figured it would be a good idea to still meet up, just not the usual day. 
This workout is right in line with something I've been thinking about.  I want to start to work on my core strength so I can keep my back in line.  I really think that would be a good area to work on.

Breakfast: Frittata with 20oz of cold water.

1st snack: Greek yogurt and 24 almonds

Lunch: Black bean soup with quinoa and broccoli.

2nd snack: Banana

Dinner: Protein drink.  Two slices of gluten free bread with some cheese and almond butter.  Small handful of almonds.

So hungrier than the last couple of days but still not super hungry.  I'm still wondering about the banana at 2nd snack.  I'm going to continue this experiment for the next few weeks and see how it goes.  I may incorporate something a bit different but still maintain the 2nd snack.  Funny I remember before not eating the 2nd snack because I wasn't hungry but now it seems like the thing to do.

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