Monday, September 23, 2013

Day 502

Nothing exciting as it's an off day.  Tomorrow will be the run at Padden and meet with Lorinda.  I expect to get a good run and workout.

Breakfast: Two eggs, skinny bun, tomato, avocado, and a banana.  20oz of cold water.

1st snack: Greek yogurt with 24 almonds

Lunch: The boss bought quesadillas for lunch so had 4-5 and some beet salad.

2nd snack: Quesadilla

Dinner: Chicken wrap along with chips and salsa.  A protein drink and some candy.  I was at a friends for D&D so I actually did fairly well and not overindulging with food like usual. 

So my bike ride to work the day before was great and today I would have done it again except I needed to be some where right after work.  I am wondering if I would be able to ride to work more often but the winter weather is heading our way soon so probably not.  As much as I like to ride the bike, I am admittedly a fair weather rider.

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