Did my running at Padden this morning before working out with Lorinda. 35 minutes so not the blazing 34min from last week but still not bad. I feel like I found a rhythm to my running and was able to once again almost run the entire back side of the trail.
With Lorinda we worked on the back and some stretching. So another good workout.
Breakfast: Banana with a teaspoon of almond butter.
After running: 1/2 bottle of protein drink. Since I was going to the gym almost directly after the run I didn't want to eat too much. This seemed about right and L agreed.
After workout with L: Two small chicken corn tortillas with guacamole.
Mid afternoon snack: More roasted chicken and two Wasa Crisp with almond butter
Dinner" Broccoli soup with potstickers and chicken.
Late snack: Handful of almonds (didn't count)
So today was interesting. After running and then working out with L, I went home and basically did nothing. I just sat around watching movies and playing on the computer. I did wash some clothes and took some garbage out but overall I did nothing. I had to really be aware of my feeling hungry when I knew I didn't need to eat anything. I'm sure the running and workout made my brain think I should be eating. I might need to eat more after the workout.
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