So it's Friday and that means the weekend is almost here. It also means that eating of food takes a curve ball to the lower extremities. Okay not really but it does get a bit dicey. This is simply due to the fact that weekendy stuff happens. Be it going out for lunch or dinner, hanging out with friends after work (because it's Friday night dammit) or just plain goofing off playing video games, stuff happens. And it's normally stuff you would not do during the week, normally. So here's my Friday:
Breakfast: Three egg frittata and feta. Also 20oz of cold water.
1st snack: It turned out that there was a birthday at work so guess what? Brownies and cake! I had a very small piece of brownie and then just 24 almonds (or I think that was the number as I didn't count this time)
Lunch: Had the veggie salad I've had all week. I did have a piece of carrot cake though. It was a rather small piece but very tall.
Skipped the 2nd snack (see opening paragraph)
Dinner: Okay here we go again. Friends cooked a turkey and so there were Turkey sandwiches. I had a total of three over a five hour period. In there was also potato salad and a granola bar.
So there you have it. Another Friday night and the struggle to become aware of what I'm eating. Trying my best to not over indulge but still have a meaningful relationship with food. HA, meaningful relationship. Tomorrow I will be on my own for working out. I had planned to bike ride but the weather isn't cooperating so I'll go to the gym and lift weights and ride the recumbent. I expect to spend at least an hour or more working out. Then it's Sunday and Padden.
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