Beautiful day weather wise and so the bike comes out. Skipping the gym in favor of bike riding and a good biking workout was had. I also started something a bit new for breakfast (still involves eggs). That's really got me interested in getting out of bed in the morning. I still cheat a bit as I still sleep in while the frittata is in the oven but I'm still getting up. That's a win for now.
Breakfast: Two egg frittata with spinach, veggie meat and feta. Of course the standard 20oz of cold water.
1st snack: Greek yogurt and 24 almonds
Lunch: Continuing the spinach salad with brussel sprouts, cauliflower, and broccoli. Today meat was a salmon patty.
No 2nd snack
Dinner: After the bike ride (hour long) I had a protein drink. Then a Greek yogurt with Chia seeds and 24 almonds. Also a couple of pieces of Buffalo jerky. This jerky made from buffalo meat and is also spicy like buffalo wings. Interesting combo and rather tasty.
So an hour on the bike and I tried to not coast much. Continued to pedal as much as possible and went for the hilly route. There's a new route I've thought about and will try that out here one of these days. It will be a bit out of the normal routes I take and will involve at least one street I'll have to be careful on. I'll be checking it out here soon.
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