Saturday, June 15, 2013

Day 404

Ya, it's the end of the week and tomorrow is L day so life is good.  I'm going to be good and not go overboard for food today.  It is a birthday at work so there will be special stuff and I'll probably have an ice cream sandwich for lunch.  No working out today and I decided at the last minute not to go for a bike ride after work.  Taking it easy this week.  I ended up only working out twice this week.  The stretching/yoga night and then of course Tabata.  Otherwise nothing, nada, no workout.  That's okay though as the Sunday run is going to be the bike/run tryout.  I'm curious as to how that will go and I'm thinking I won't worry about time.  I'm going to get there early though so my day will still be on track.

Breakfast: No frittata today but still had two eggs with a veggie patty on a skinny bun with a Babybel cheese round.  20oz of cold water.

1st snack: Greek yogurt and 24 almonds

Lunch: I'd planned on the quinoa and veggies i'd been eating all week but... The boss brought in quesadillas for a birthday at work.  I ended up eating 4 slices with guacamole and sour cream plus I had an ice cream sandwich.  Also there was some small sliced French bread and I had three of those with peanut butter.

2nd Snack: Quesadilla

Dinner: Again some quesadilla (3) and then some quinoa with broccoli and cauliflower.  Also an adult beverage.

So quesadillas were the villains today but I kept it from becoming a bloodbath.  Tomorrow will take care of that.  Of course the plan for tomorrow after workout meal is sushi.  Meeting work friends and expect to be under control for that.  I can only hope.

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