Thursday, June 6, 2013

Day 395

Tabata!  Need I say more?

Breakfast: Two egg frittata with spinach, veggie meat, and feta with 4 slices of deli turkey.  Added some avocado and then drank 20oz of cold water.

1st snack: Greek yogurt and 24 almonds

Lunch: Spinach salad with brussel sprouts, broccoli, and cauliflower.  Steak strips rounded it out for protein.

2nd snack: Ice cream treat.  Mint chocolate cone

Dinner: Protein drink.  Spinach salad with salmon patty, cauliflower, black beans, and salsa for dressing.  Finished off the Wasabi Pea trail mix.  Then a bit later had a banana with almond butter for dessert.

Today was also weigh in for the contest and I was a bit surprised as I weighed exactly the same as last week.  So far feeling good about this.  I'm not going to win the contest (wasn't really the purpose) but I'm encouraged.  I've seemed to have finally broken thru the wall I've been running into for the last year.  At least it seems like it anyway.  Pretty sure the running has something to do with it.

Have I said lately how much I love Tabata?  Gotta thank L for encouraging me to try it out.  Also must give a shout out to the instructors who've put up with my huffing and puffing.  Of course if anyone asks I will say that it's loads of "fun" and everyone should be doing it.  ;)

Supposed to be nice weather again tomorrow so am looking forward to another bike ride.  Crossing my fingers that Saturday will also be nice so I can go for a ride then.

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