First day of vacation and I didn't go to the gym. I went to the chiropractor and we talked about my leg/knee. More insight into what I needed to do to fix it. I will say that not going to the gym and doing stuff to aggravate it was the best choice. I do plan on the gym tomorrow and I'm going to try to create a system where I'm not doing the same thing everyday. It sounds like that would be a good idea to prevent future situations like the current one. This week is going to be interesting to see how I can control the eating, as at least when I work there is a structure that I can follow. When I'm on my own it's harder to think about only eating at certain times and eating correctly. You will see what I mean when you read my food choices for today:
Breakfast: Greek yogurt and almonds. 20oz of cold water.
no snack but...
Lunch: A bacon cheese burger with seasoned curly fries. It was from a local burger joint and I added avocado to the burger. I then had some baguette with spinach dip.
Later: Wheat thin chips with spinach dip
Later still: Apple with almonds and more Wheat thins
Dinner: Really wasn't feeling starved so it took a while for me to eat dinner. I ended up having a Tipali fish sandwich. This was a skinny bun with fish, avocado, and feta. I also had a serving of quinoa and feta. I had two glasses of red wine. One during the day and one with dinner.
You maybe wondering what I'm doing to have lost 45lbs in the last 6 months. I want to lose in total enough that by the end of this year I will weigh close to 200lbs. In a way that is healthy and won't leave me with loose flab. So far it seems to be working. I think that eating the right food and working out with L was the best decision I could make. As I've said this is not a diet but a change in life. I want to live forever and if I can't do that then at least live as long as I can and as well as I can. I believe I'm on the right track. Stick around and we'll see.
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