Sunday, April 15, 2012

Day Seventy-nine

246.  That's today's number.  Getting there.  Didn't work out with L today but still got out and put in a bit of leg work.  The leg is still flaring up on occasion but today pretty much wasn't an issue.  Still not sure how I tweaked it but it's definitely somewhat of an issue.  So I had almost a typical Saturday in that I went to a friends Sat nite and didn't eat very well, as you'll see.  The rest of the food for the day was better:

Breakfast: Oatmeal with cottage cheese and 20oz of cold water. A Pepsin capsule.

Snack: Half of a bagel w/cream cheese and a crunchy granola bar.  This was during my outdoor excursion helping out to bring a woodland trail to an overgrown park.  Not my normal work out but still got in some leg work as it was quite up and down hilly terrain.

Lunch: Salmon burger on skinny bun with avocado, and tomato.

Snack: Fried egg sandwich with avocado, tomato, turkey, and almond butter.

Dinner: Ok not really a dinner, more like a snack nightmare.  I did have a small serving (Probably the right size just not enough overall) of chicken with rice and cheese.  I was at friends to play DnD so there was Mike's Lemonades, I had two large drinks.  I then proceeded to over indulge in chips.  I ended up snacking on chips all nite.  My fault for not actually eating a real meal.  See that number at the top in red?  I suspect a bit of sabotage on my part.  Don't know why I don't want to lose weight but when I do things like eating a whole bag of potato chips ( they were Sunchips so that makes it better, right?) it does make you wonder.  Food ;( for thought.

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