Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Day Eighty-three

Alright day eighty-three! Kool.  It's not that exciting but still another day of fun with food and life.  Pretty much the best combo around other than food and sex.  At least that's what I hear?  So here's what made it one of those days:

Breakfast: Egg sandwich on skinny bun with avocado, roast beef, and tomato.  Banana and 20oz of cold water.

Snack: Greek yogurt and almonds

Lunch: High fiber/low carb wrap with chicken, veggies, and cheese.

Snack: Apple

Dinner: Spinach salad with avocado, salmon patty, cottage cheese, cauliflower, tomato, roasted beet, quinoa, and low fat dressing.

Worked out with weights today after work.  Felt good but the knee is still tweaking a bit.  Gonna hafta take it easy for a little bit longer.

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