It was meet with Lorinda today and we got in another good session. I had questions today and she answered them all with lots of advice. I'm trying to get an idea of how I want to proceed in the coming months with working out. My new goal is to still lose weight but at the same time strengthen my body so I can participate in a life less boring.
Nothing wrong with going through life without adventure but I am feeling a need for some. Why not?
So here we are with the next step in the evolution of my life. Stick around, fun times are ahead!
Breakfast: Well actually didn't eat breakfast this morning before working out with Lorinda. Didn't even drink my normal 20oz of cold water.
After workout meal: Picked up some sushi and a small broccoli and cauliflower salad for lunch. The sushi actually had some raw tuna in it and that's a first for me. I had to laugh as it was quite tasty. Could have used a bit more Wasabi though.
Dinner: Fish sandwich. Made with a cheese bagel, bacon, guacamole, and tomato.
A bit later had an adult beverage and a small bowl of almonds (more than 24 this time).
So we worked back and biceps today. I now have a really good idea of exercises to pair up. I also can combine today's with last weeks for the whole upper body.
So I dropped 6 pounds in the last week after gaining 10lbs during vacation time. I really did go a bit wacky during vacation by pretty much eating whatever and lots of it. So this last week has been getting back to a normal and healthy eating routine. It wasn't too hard. Makes me laugh as I figured out that no exercise and eating whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted wasn't the best idea. Huh, imagine that.
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