Monday, October 14, 2013

Day 525 or It's finally here!!

So I woke up at 8:15.  Got out of bed at 8:30.  Wandered around the condo for a few minutes and then sat down to my banana and 20oz of cold water. 
I started prepping for the race.  Put together my undershirt and my race shirt, an awesome City Gym shirt that was a special tye-dye design by Cassie.  She's one of the class instructors (Tabata) at City Gym and she did it just for me.  I made sure I had my helmet and gloves, also a change of clothes for afterwards.

The race went well.  I was only off 2min from the actual allowed completion time.  I probably would have made the completion time, except for the fact that 50yards from the transition point for the bike portion my bike decided to seize up.  I carried my bike the rest of the way.  My total time was 2hr7min.  So not bad at all considering.

I had my own cheering section and that was a nice surprise.  They had signs and everything. It was very cool.

After the race Lorinda and Sandy took me to Jalapeno's for Mexican.  I had a Big Mama (giant margarita) and a taco sampler with extra guacamole.  I didn't eat all of my tacos.  That surprised me.  I was also very slow getting out of the booth when we left.

Later snack: The other taco and a donut.

Dinner: I treated myself to something I haven't eaten in quite some time.  As a matter of fact it had probably been almost a year since I went to Jack in the Box.  I had a burger, a Breakfast Jack, and onion rings.  Followed that up with two rice crispy treats.

So overall a great day and one that got it's start way back in Feb.  I probably could have trained a bit harder but I was very happy to have started something and actually finished it.

All in all between Lorinda encouraging me and my co-workers showing up to cheer me on it was a great experience.  If you asked me if I'd do it again I'd have to say YES.  It was an accomplishment that I've not had in my life and well worth the time and effort involved. 

Of course I will say that I really would not have and could not have done it without Lorinda.  So Thanx Lorinda you're the best.

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