Friday, October 18, 2013

Day 527

So it's vacation time all week.  I'm hoping to go to the gym at least once or twice this week but we'll see.  Frankly if I  had not done the race on Sunday I'd be all over the gym this week.  It's funny how weird it feels to not go to the gym.  Of course that sounds a bit weird also but I'm okay with that weirdness. 
I've given myself permission to over indulge this week and eat whatever and as much as I want.  In a sense it's an experiment to see if I really want to eat until I puke (sorry) or can I just eat a bunch and still be happy (and puke free) again sorry.

Breakfast: Due to the possible over eating during the day I really kept this meal at a minimum.  So I just had an Apple Pie Larabar and a Chia drink.

Lunch: Two pieces of fried chicken, coleslaw, and an order of onion rings.  The onion rings were very disappointing in that there were only 6 of the oniony goodness.  Weak.  I also had two rice crispy treats later in the afternoon.

Dinner: I've been craving nachos so that's what I had along with guacamole.  The nachos had ground turkey and bacon along with the cheese and chips.

So I was feeling overstuffed after dinner.  The nachos definitely satisfied my craving and brought me close to nirvana, at least for a few minutes.  Again that physiological subconscious feeling of trying to recreate that first bite or two and impact on your food pleasure center.  It never really happens but that's the secret.  I have to remember it ain't happening no matter how much I eat.  So stick to great tasting food and realistic portions.  That's the only way it will really work. 

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