Friday, October 25, 2013

Day 536

Here we are four days into the new program.  Well not really that new but still an effort on my part to try to work a bit harder.  Also to try and get more out of working out in terms of results.  I plan on trying to lift heavier weights and do more intense cardio.  Also work on specific areas of the body that I may have ignored this last couple of years. 
I really want to get some results that are measurable besides pounds and inches lost or gained.  I could be stronger and have better endurance while living life to a fuller extant.  I think that would be a better life and a more interesting life.  So here we go.

Breakfast: Frittata and 20oz of cold water.

1st snack: Greek yogurt and 24 almonds

Lunch: Spinach salad with Chicken and sausage, tomato, cheese, cauliflower, corn, and peas.

2nd snack: Banana and peanut butter

Dinner: Wanted something a bit different so stuck with the protein drink and then changed it up.  Two hard boiled eggs mixed with refried beans on four Wasa crisp crackers and a small bowl of pumpkin ice cream.

My clothes are fitting a bit better so the weight gain from last week is coming off.  I expected it to go away but still will need to be more careful about that.

I'm working a late shift tomorrow so am planning on going to the gym in the morning.  I will do a 30min cardio bike ride.  I will be interested to see if I can follow through on this.  I'm not very good about getting up and being motivated to workout.  Maybe this will be the beginning of something.  Who knows. 

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