Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Day 532

Starting to get back together with friends for the D&D game.  That means there will be food and lots of temptation to eat more than I should.  I expect to try to not over indulge but in the midst of socializing things happen.  I do have a plan but not sure if I can implement it, we'll see.

Breakfast: Beginning of plan.  Eat a good and big breakfast.  Three eggs, bacon, broccoli, and cheese.  20oz of cold water.

Met friends at 1pm and pizza is on the menu.  As we know pizza is quite possibly my favorite food in this situation.  I was able to hold myself to four pieces.  I did succumb to my favorite dessert though and that was cookies.  I had seven or eight of those.  Had a soda and two big handfuls of mixed nuts.  The mixed nuts helped hold the pizza frenzy to a dull throb.  Hence only the four pieces.

So not bad actually.  When the night ended and there was pizza left over, I declined when offered some to take home.  That was a win all by itself.

Tomorrow back to the gym and regular eating habits.  I'm planning on doing the workout Lorinda wrote up on Thurs.  I'll try to increase the weights but not sure it'll happen.  If not than next session for sure.

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