Saturday, December 29, 2012

Day 336

It's Friday.  The day before meeting L for another one of her patented workouts.  This week I skipped Monday (Christmas Eve) but worked out the rest of the week.  Friday though is my regular off day.  I always do the food a bit differently on Friday's.  Today will be no exception I'm sure.  There are Fridays when I go off track rather severely and other times when I just indulge a little bit.  I do know for sure that tonight I will be having a couple of adult beverages in addition to whatever I end up eating:

Breakfast: Egg and turkey sandwich on a skinny bun with almond butter and tomato.  No banana but still 20oz of cold water.

1st snack: Greek yogurt and almonds

Lunch: Chile Releno from TJ's mixed with quinoa and broccoli.  I also had a couple of handfuls of almonds to finish off the lunch.

Dinner: Nachos with guacamole and roasted chicken.  Some holiday treats again.  A bit later I went back to the chips and had a large serving of chips.  Dinner was accompanied by two adult beverages.

I wonder what L has in store for me? 

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