Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Day 325

The start of the work week and I'm having pizza for lunch.  It's leftover from the Day 323 (my birthday).  We got it at 2:30 in the morning.  They said they were hungry but of course they really weren't.  So here I am eating pizza for the next three days for lunch.  I'm throwing in a small spinach salad also to blunt the pizzaness.  On top of the pizza my supervisor brought in two (not one but two) cheese cakes and turned them loose on us.  A chocolate one and a regular plain one.  So more challenges to the waist line.  Here's how I did:

Breakfast: Egg and turkey sandwich on a skinny bun with tomato and avocado.  Banana and 20oz of cold water.

I'm not feeling the need for the early morning snack so have not been eating the Larabar instead I've been waiting and having

1st snack: Greek yogurt and almonds at the normal time.  Did have a piece of cheese cake.

Lunch: Pizza and a small spinach salad.  The salad has cauliflower, broccoli slaw, tomato, and spinach with salsa for dressing. Had a piece of cheese cake.

No afternoon snack

Dinner: Spinach salad with broccoli, tomato, cottage cheese, cauliflower, and salmon patty with salsa as dressing.  Had cottage cheese for the first time in 2-3 months.  I stopped eating cottage cheese because I thought it may have been contributing to me not dropping weight.  Since I now know that probably isn't true I'm eating it again.  Now if my weight goes up, well then.  After dinner I ate a cupcake that had been purchased for my birthday.

Went to the gym after work and did cardio.  Getting ready for Tabata on Weds.  Can't wait.

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