Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Day 333

It's Christmas!  I tried to be good but didn't have much luck.  At the same time I didn't overdo it too badly, in hindsight.  There was no structure today other than breakfast and brunch.  So I'm just going to write it up here in this form instead of listing it out like usual.  I had a Peanut Butter Larabar a breakfast or a pre-workout meal.  After the workout, which was a weight lifting and kettlebell combined program, I headed out to friends to celebrate Christmas.  They had an egg and bacon brunch ready and along with toast, sauteed mushrooms, and sausage I had seconds on the eggs.  Then the holiday treats started in force.  There were cookies, candies, and cheese and crackers.  Later in the evening we had mini crab cakes and two different versions of chicken gizzards.  Of course more holiday treats were eaten.  There were treats left over and I left them for my friends to consume.  Happy Days!  Damn! I just looked in my stocking and there are more holiday treats. As I said the other day I just can't win.  Ah well at least I should be getting it out of my system for a few months.  And tomorrow is TABATA INTERVALS, so I guess I'm fueling up for that.  Silly me.

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