Monday, December 17, 2012

Day 324

237.  Of course I've not lost any weight in the last month.  Granted my clothes are fitting much better and I'm even wearing smaller size clothing.  Looking at myself in the mirror I see areas that look "less fat" but still are flabby.  L reminded me that my skin may not be as elastic as it could be so that it will "shrink" as I lose weight.  I still have the man boobs that caused me to start this whole process.  Rather annoying but I still know that I'm another year away from my goal.  Of course that means another birthday but that is how it goes. Here's what I did for the day:

Breakfast: Since I stayed out late on my birthday I got up later than I normally do on this day of the week.  I only ate a Cherry Pie Larabar and drank 20oz of cold water.

After workout meal: I was meeting friends for a day of shooting at the range so I cheated and stopped at McD's.  I got a quarter pounder, no cheese just the burger. It satisfied me until later in the day.

Dinner: Went with friends to a restaurant.  I ordered a hamburger that had bacon and cheese on it.  It also had tomato,mushrooms, and grilled onions.  It came with waffle fries, which I ate all of.  There were appetizers of onion rings and potato skins.  I had some of both.  Then it was time for dessert.  I had a pineapple upside down cake.  Which was delicious.

I met with L, even though I'd only had 5hrs of sleep due to partying late the night before.  We did the back program and I talked about once again not losing any weight but my clothes continue to fit looser and looser.  All week I wore smaller size shirts and pants.  I know that the clothes fitting better is a good indicator but I'd still like to see my weight go down.  I'm going to have to think about this and maybe cut down on certain foods that right now I don't worry about as much.  I don't know but I do know I want to figure it out.

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