Monday, April 30, 2012

Day Ninety-five

First day of vacation and I didn't go to the gym.  I went to the chiropractor and we talked about my leg/knee.  More insight into what I needed to do to fix it.  I will say that not going to the gym and doing stuff to aggravate it was the best choice.  I do plan on the gym tomorrow and I'm going to try to create a system where I'm not doing the same thing everyday.  It sounds like that would be a good idea to prevent future situations like the current one.  This week is going to be interesting to see how I can control the eating, as at least when I work there is a structure that I can follow.  When I'm on my own it's harder to think about only eating at certain times and eating correctly.  You will see what I mean when you read my food choices for today:

Breakfast: Greek yogurt and almonds.  20oz of cold water.

no snack but...

Lunch: A bacon cheese burger with seasoned curly fries.  It was from a local burger joint and I added avocado to the burger.  I then had some baguette with spinach dip.

Later: Wheat thin chips with spinach dip

Later still: Apple with almonds and more Wheat thins

Dinner: Really wasn't feeling starved so it took a while for me to eat dinner.  I ended up having a Tipali fish sandwich.  This was a skinny bun with fish, avocado, and feta.  I also had a serving of quinoa and feta.  I had two glasses of red wine.  One during the day and one with dinner.

You maybe wondering what I'm doing to have lost 45lbs in the last 6 months.  I want to lose in total enough that by the end of this year I will weigh close to 200lbs.  In a way that is healthy and won't leave me with loose flab.  So far it seems to be working.  I think that eating the right food and working out with L was the best decision I could make.  As I've said this is not a diet but a change in life.  I want to live forever and if I can't do that then at least live as long as I can and as well as I can.  I believe I'm on the right track.  Stick around and we'll see.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Day Ninety-four

So the day after weigh-in and work out with L day.  Still wanting to take it down a notch for the leg/knee so didn't go for a bike ride today.  Went for a long walk instead.  I also didn't have any plans for today as I'm on vacation for the next week and a half.  I let myself sleep in much later than I normally do, it was fun.  I was very haphazard in the eating department today also.  As you will see, I pretty much threw the baby out with the bath water today.  So let's get to it:

Breakfast: Now normally I'd have my oatmeal breakfast but since I slept in so late it was basically brunch.  So I had a two egg fratatta with spinach, quinoa, and feta.  On top of the fratattaI put some cottage cheese and salsa.  I was going to have two slices of wheat toast but decided that I would hold off.

After walk snack: Not really a snack but here's what I ate.  Sour dough baggette sliced up and toasted in the oven (about 12 pieces) and spinach dip.  As I said not one of my better days and we're not done yet.

Meal later in the day: Mini potstickers with broccoli, and quinoa in chicken broth.

Here's where it really goes off the rails.  12 cookies from a frozen cookie dough tub.  Not all at once but still all the same day.  Finally, a small bowl of Wheat thin chips with spinach dip.  It was probably 25-30 Wheat thins.

So there you have it.  Once again not the best day but not the worst either.  Just not the way I want every day to go.  Honestly though my days don't go like that, they are quite a bit better when it comes to eating better and not crazily.  It was just one of those days that happens and you just have to look at the big picture.  I am and it's the rest of my life, so one day doesn't break anything. 

Day Ninety-three

244! Yes!  It's weigh-in day and I was quite surprised to see the scale produce that number.  I was prepared for a possible weight gain or at least no movement due to my taking it easy with my leg.  I guess that trying to eat better and less is actually working.  It still doesn't happen each and every day but I guess it does happen enough that it makes a difference.  I think that taking it easy has had the required affect on my leg/knee but am moving forward slowly and carefully.  Today L and I had a great conversation about cause and effect and I know I'm making good decisions based on her advice.  Granted, and we both know this, she's not a doctor at all but does have knowledge that allows her to give knowledgeable advice.  Today was workout day with L.  We did upper body again with a tiny bit of lower body thrown in the mix.  It was mostly in support of the upper body form necessary to preform the exercise properly.  Felt good and definitely made the day fun.  Alright here's what I ate for the day:

Breakfast: Oatmeal with cottage cheese and lemon curd.  20oz of cold water.

After work out meal: Three egg fratata with spinach, feta, quinoa, yam, with cottage cheese and salsa. Two slices of whole wheat toast.

No afternoon snack

Dinner: Went to friends and they made spaghetti.  It was a thin sauce with veggie, meat, and Parmesan cheese sprinkled over the top. Had a serving with pasta and then a small serving of just the sauce.  Also 4 hunks of garlic bread. 

After dinner: Ended up having three or four big handfuls of potato chips.

So a great day for weigh-in.  Not so great for food choices but still not bad in the big picture.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Day Ninety-two

Alright it's Friday and here's what happened today:

Breakfast: Egg sandwich with tomato, avocado, and skinny bun.  Banana and 20oz of cold water.

Snack: Greek yogurt and almonds

Lunch: A frozen entree from Trader Joe's.  It was a chili releno and I mixed in the last of the shredded chicken and sauteed onions from earlier in the week.

No afternoon snack

Dinner: A mix of asparagus, quinoa, mini pot stickers, Mahi Mahi in a broth.

I had three oatmeal/raisin cookies that were home made and that was pretty much it today.  I am wondering how I'll do at weigh-in tomorrow morning as this week has been a slack week for working out due to my leg issue.  I hope I won't be to bad but also am expecting to gain some pounds back.  Ah well we'll see.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Day Ninety-one

Still letting my left leg rest.  I really don't want to think it's alright and then it starts bothering me again.  So for now until Saturday I will be taking it easy.  In the morning I will forgo the "55" and just do some push-ups along with some planks.  I will test it on Sat and get back at it next week while on vacation.  Here's how the world of food happened today:

Breakfast: Egg sandwich with roast beef, tomato, and avocado on a skinny bun.  Banana and 20oz of cold water.

Snack: Greek yogurt and almonds

Lunch: Chicken wrap with tomato, grilled onions, feta, and quinoa.  Also a ice cream confection.

Snack: 5.5oz of V-8

Dinner: Turkey burger on whole wheat bread with feta, tomato, avocado, and an egg.  Also had onion rings and yam fries.

So didn't go to the gym today but will get back to it on Saturday with L.  I think this was the right decision to not go to the gym until I could go for a couple of days with out feeling like the leg was going to tweak again.  It does feel weird to not go to the gym so I think that's a great feeling.  I must go to the gym at least 4-5 times a week if I want to continue to get the results I've seen up to this point.  The nice thing about that statement is that it's true and I want to go so that's also a good thing.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Day Ninety

Alright here we are again.  Nothing much to say today other than I'm taking it easy still with my knee and leg.  I went to the gym today but only did upper body work.  Everything felt fine but I'm not going to go back to normal yet.  I will probably hold out for Saturday before I try anything that involves my left leg.  In the meantime here's the story of what I ate today:

Breakfast: Egg sandwich with avocado, tomato, roast beef, and skinny bun.  Banana and 20oz of cold water.

Snack: Greek yogurt and almonds

Lunch: Wrap with chicken, tomato, feta, grilled onions, and quinoa.

Snack: nothing

Dinner: Spinach salad with quinoa, asparagus, roasted beets, feta, and Mahi Mahi.  Also two pieces of fruity candy.

Made more quinoa tonite and so will have some for the next few days.  It goes well in the salads I'm making.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Day Eighty-nine

Here we are and away we go:

Breakfast: Egg sandwich with roast beef, tomato, avocado, and skinny bun.  Banana and 20oz of cold water.

Snack: Greek yogurt and almonds

Lunch: Chicken wrap with feta, grilled onions, tomato, quinoa, and dressing.  Ice cream bar.

No second snack

Dinner: Spinach salad with Mahi Mahi, feta, tomato, roasted beets, cucumber, quinoa, and low fat dressing.  5.5oz can of V-8 and 100 cal bag of popcorn.  Some roasted yam.

Took the day off completely from working out.  My leg/knee felt fine today but rather than push it like I have done in the past two weeks I stuck to my plan of not going to the gym for a couple of days.  I will go tomorrow and work out with weights but no cardio again.  I will probably do the cardio on Thursday.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Day Eighty-eight

Hmm...could be a slump is heading my way.  As in a bit more than normal in the being discouraged department.  Looking back at the last 87 days you might be somewhat surprised at that comment.  I know I am but am understanding where it's coming from.  It stems mostly from the issue I've been having with my leg.  It is continuing to feel good one day and than when I think I'm over the hump it sneaks back up on me.  Today is a good example.  After having a good talk with L about it and observing that it wasn't bothering me, I went for a bike ride and then the next day noticed it again.  It then flared up in a new way that really bothered me.  Now I don't know if I should ignore it (which I do alot of times) or be really concerned.  I've talked recently about taking a break and maybe that's what I should do.  I think it might be a good idea.  Here's the idea I had today about my food choices:

Breakfast: Egg sandwich with avocado, tomato, some feta cheese, and skinny bun.  Banana and 20oz of cold water.

Snack: Greek yogurt and almonds

Lunch: Wrap with chicken and tomato with grilled onions and feta.  A Hagen Dahz ice cream bar.

Snack: Nutty Butter ice cream cone

Dinner: Stir fry broccoli, spinach, asparagus, sliced steak, and quinoa w/feta.  Some roasted beet and yam.  5.5oz can of low sodium V-8.  And a very small handful of almonds.

I didn't go to the gym after work today.  I did however do a short routine with my weights at home.  I didn't work up a sweat but still felt like I did something rather than nothing.  Why didn't I go to the gym?  Well my knee was bothering me (hence the comments at the beginning of this entry) and I decided to take a break.  I could have still gone to the gym and just done a weight work out but I figured I might feel ok and then do some cardio which would then bother my knee again.  This way there was no worry of feeling guilty about not really working out so I can lose more weight.  That is the whole purpose of this going to the gym thing but not at the expense of hurting myself to the point of not being able to exercise at all.  Not that I think that's going to happen but now is the time to take it down a notch.  So I may not go to the gym at all this week, we'll see.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Day Eighty-seven

Well what a day it's been.  Started out just fine but the weather didn't look promising for that bike ride I was hoping for.  I was able later in the day to go for a bike ride and felt like I'd accomplished something of a workout nature.  Unfortunately I then proceeded to eat my way thru the day.  Probably not as bad as it seemed to me but still a bit of a pork out on my part.  What happened you say?  Here it is in all it's non-glory:

Breakfast: Oatmeal with cottage cheese and lemon curd.

Lunch: Pre-made salad from Trader Joe's.  It was 350 calories and had chicken, corn, lettuce, and cheese.  I doctored it with some cottage cheese and used the dressing provided.  Had an orange along with the salad.

2nd Lunch: Had a baguette sandwich with chicken and grilled onions.  Then a plate of chicken and beef strips of steak.

Dinner: And I use the term lightly as it really wasn't dinner but just more eating of food.  Which is how the day has gone.  Haven't had a day like this in quite a while.  I had a serving of quinoa, followed by 8 cookies made from frozen cookie dough.  Double chocolate and peanut butter, not together but separate.  I then had a frozen Lean Pocket and finally felt full.  Or at least was able to finally stop the madness.

I did get out in the morning and grocery shop and then afterwards I took out the garbage and various bags and boxes of recyclable stuffs.  I then went for a 50 min bike ride.  Once again I did a bit of sabotage on the eating right but again can't get down on myself just gotta do better tomorrow and the next day and the day after that.  That's the plan and I'm sticking to it.  Not gonna let any back sliding taint the future.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Day Eighty-six

246! Yea!  So I probably weigh 245 but am not ready to cheat the scale just to feel good.  This is a milestone that I've aspired to now for about a year.  That is 245 anyway.  246 is very close and is fine too.  I have tried to break the 250 mark since early last summer.  So when I broke 250, a few weeks ago, it was a awesome step forward.  Now as I near 245 it's even more awesome.  I had a great session with L today and we talked about the goal I have.  That goal seems more attainable the more I go to the gym and try to eat better.  I really think that at the rate things are going 200 by the end of the year is not unrealistic.  I still eat poorly at times but that's to be expected and as I've said in the past I only look at those lapses as lessons for the future.  We also know that this is not a diet but a change in a way of life.  So I certainly don't expect to suddenly become the perfect work out machine nor the cleanest eater.  Actually I refuse to succumb to the expectations surrounding that thinking.  I will live my life to the best of my abilities and have the realization that by exercising and eating better I will fulfil my deepest desire to live as long as I can and enjoy life in the process. I think that's pretty much my one great goal in life, beyond hitting the lottery and becoming a millionaire.  Ok here's how the day went on this beautiful spring day in April:

Breakfast: My normal weekend oatmeal with cottage cheese and lemon curd.  20oz of cold water.

After workout lunch: Pad Thai leftovers and two eggs mixed with two big handfuls of spinach baked in the oven.  I then went out and did some shopping so didn't just go home and sit after the work out.  I have been doing that most of the time so am going to see if I can change that here in the future.

After shopping came home and had an orange.  An hour or two later had a sandwich with chicken, avocado, some feta cheese, and tomato on a small crusty roll.  Also a 5.5oz can of low sodium V-8.

Dinner: Another chicken sandwich this time on a croissant with tomato, avocado, and feta.  Eight onion rings and a big handful of sweet potato fries.  Both are from Trader Joe's.  I will probably have a few of the cookies made from the cookie dough I bought last week.  I will only have at the most 5-6.  That's my treat for later.

The work out today was very good we focused on the upper torso and back.  L talked about making sure that I actually do more back exercises.  We are trying to work on getting me to not hunch over.  I don't think it's very bad but as I get older it has gotten worse and will continue to get worse.  My job entails me being in the position of hunching forward.  So need to combat that.  Back exercises will help immensely.  

Day Eighty-five

So it's Friday and Friday is always an interesting day.  Work can be very hectic and lunch can be almost anything.  I try to plan lunch for the first four days of the work week and let Friday be what ever I feel like.  At least to a point.  I used to do KFC every Friday until I started working with L and she convinced me that that wasn't a good idea.  I now will make something at home that is different from what I've eaten the past week.  Most times it's still good for me and tasty.  Sometimes it's tasty and not as good for me.  I try though to not overdo it.  This Friday was a typical day in that I was planning an evening with friends that was going to involve drinks and dinner.  So I made the conscious decision to eat a better lunch in anticipation of the not so better dinner and drinks.  I also figured that if I could I'd not eat until I couldn't eat anymore at dinner.  I will say that I did fairly well under the circumstances.  Here's your chance to agree or not:

Breakfast: Egg sandwich with roast beef, avocado, tomato, and skinny bun.  Banana and 20oz of cold water.

Snack: Greek yogurt and almonds

Lunch: Spinach salad with cauliflower, tomato, quinoa, cottage cheese w/salsa, and chicken.  Ice cream bar.

Snack: Skinny cow chocolate ice cream sandwich

Pre-dinner: Had a vodka gimlet

Dinner: Pad Thai with shrimp.  Had some appetizers, a small pot sticker stuffed with crab and cream cheese, half of a chicken satay w/peanut sauce, and half a spring roll.  Had two glasses of red wine with dinner.  Only ate half of the Pad Thai, took the rest home for later.

So overall not a bad day and it felt good.  I enjoyed my time out with friends as we had a very good time and seemed to enjoy each others company.  i look forward to getting together with them again.  Tomorrow is weigh-in day so let's hope it;'s not to scary.

Day Eighty-four

Nothing fancy just the facts this time out:

Breakfast: Egg sandwich with avocado, roast beef, and tomato.  Banana and 20oz of cold water.

Snack: Greek yogurt w/almonds

Lunch: Low carb/high fiber wrap with chicken, stir fried veggies, cheese, peppers, and avocado.

Snack: Apple

Dinner: Spinach salad with quinoa, tomato, low fat dressing, yellow pepper, avocado, and cauliflower. 

Evening snack: I don't always have a snack after dinner but I bought a couple of tubs of pre-made cookie dough and made four peanut butter cookies.  I'm sure that's not a great thing but I like the idea of wanting a cookie and being able to have a couple in twenty minutes.  Plus I won't make a bunch and then eat them all.

I went to the gym after work and did the cardio workout I've been doing.  I did switch it up though as I couldn't get on the rowing machine so went to the stair climber.  Almost like walking up stairs but they moved and you had to keep your balance.  I'll try them again as an alternative.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Day Eighty-three

Alright day eighty-three! Kool.  It's not that exciting but still another day of fun with food and life.  Pretty much the best combo around other than food and sex.  At least that's what I hear?  So here's what made it one of those days:

Breakfast: Egg sandwich on skinny bun with avocado, roast beef, and tomato.  Banana and 20oz of cold water.

Snack: Greek yogurt and almonds

Lunch: High fiber/low carb wrap with chicken, veggies, and cheese.

Snack: Apple

Dinner: Spinach salad with avocado, salmon patty, cottage cheese, cauliflower, tomato, roasted beet, quinoa, and low fat dressing.

Worked out with weights today after work.  Felt good but the knee is still tweaking a bit.  Gonna hafta take it easy for a little bit longer.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Day Eighty-two

Had an interesting morning.  A bad case of gas was bloating my stomach and I couldn't get it to pass.  I know TMI, right? I ended up not eating the morning snack, which in hindsight maybe I should have.  It was yogurt and they talk about yogurt and digestion, so maybe I missed the boat on that one. Oh well by lunch I was feeling better and after I ate lunch I felt even better.  The rest of the day went by quickly and with out incident.  My leg is still a bit of a bother but not nearly as bothersome as a few days ago.  Here's the deal:

Breakfast: Egg sandwich on skinny bun with avocado, roast beef, and tomato.  Banana and 20oz of cold water.

Snack: As I said above didn't feel up to eating the Greek yogurt like normal but did have a handful of almonds

Lunch: Low carb/high fiber wrap with avocado, chicken, tomato, and veggies.

Snack: Nothing still wasn't completely back to normal from the gas attack

Dinner: Spinach salad with cauliflower, roasted beet, salmon patty, tomato, cucumber, asparagus, avocado, quinoa, and low fat dressing.

Went to the gym after work and only did time on the recumbent as I'm trying to not let my leg issue cause me to slack off.  I still want to make sure I'm not doing more harm than good.  That way I can keep working out but refrain from over extending myself.  I'm especially leery of this as I was doing great and then, BAM, my leg starts bothering me.  So will continue to take it easy and check with L on Sat as far as the possible issue's. 

Monday, April 16, 2012

Day Eighty-one

Here's how it went down today:

Breakfast: Egg sandwich on skinny bun with tomato and roast beef.  Banana and 20oz of cold water.

Snack: Greek yogurt and almonds

Lunch: High fiber low carb tortilla with chicken breast mixed with sauteed veggies, avocado, and cheese.

Snack: Apple

Dinner: Spinach salad with cottage cheese, quinoa, tomato, cucumber, asparagus, salmon patty, and low fat dressing.  Also had some roasted beets and yam.  As an after dinner snack I had 5 pieces of candy.  Laffy taffy, a carmel, a bit of honey, and some other candy.

I went to the gym after work.  My leg was feeling better but I figured I should still take it easy for a while longer. I did the recumbent bike for 24min and then only did the treadmill.  I ended up almost killing myself when the treadmill caused my foot to slip while under power.  Not sure what happened but it was scary for a minute so I stopped.  My knee seemed to be a bit bothered and since it was the knee that was having issues I figured it was a good idea.

I'm trying to take the Pepsin capsule with breakfast and lunch.  I don't take it at night as the instructions say not to take it if you're only eating veggie and fruit.  Dinner is almost always veggie.  I have stopped recording the taking of the Pepsin as I am taking it like vitamins and I don't record that.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Day Eighty

Wow eighty days in.  Still going and losing slowly.  My thoughts from Day Seventy-nine are still on my mind so gotta say I try to make good decisions but doesn't always happen.  Get right back on that horse and ride the bucking bronco.  At least that's what they say.  Don't let a lapse make you throw the baby out with the bath water.  Silly saying but actually holds some truth.  Today I did my usual weekend routine, get up, go the the grocery store, come home.  Think about lunch for the week and dinner for the week.  Try to prepare ahead for the meals so I don't have to think just grab stuff from the refrigerator and make a meal.  Gonna have roasted beets and yam this week as a snack.  The veggie stand is open and picked up some giant beets.  We'll see how good they are after I doctor them with olive oil and spices.  Ok here's how this day went:

Breakfast: Oatmeal with cottage cheese and lemon curd.  Also 20oz of cold water.

No snack

Lunch: After a short bike ride (still babying the leg) I had a turkey, roast beef, egg sandwich.  I had avocado and tomato, along with brown mustard.  Half of a cantaloupe.

Dinner: Stir-fry cauliflower, asparagus, garlic, black beans, and Tipali fillets.  Some roasted beet and yam.

Breakfast and lunch took a Pepsin capsule during each but didn't for dinner. 

Day Seventy-nine

246.  That's today's number.  Getting there.  Didn't work out with L today but still got out and put in a bit of leg work.  The leg is still flaring up on occasion but today pretty much wasn't an issue.  Still not sure how I tweaked it but it's definitely somewhat of an issue.  So I had almost a typical Saturday in that I went to a friends Sat nite and didn't eat very well, as you'll see.  The rest of the food for the day was better:

Breakfast: Oatmeal with cottage cheese and 20oz of cold water. A Pepsin capsule.

Snack: Half of a bagel w/cream cheese and a crunchy granola bar.  This was during my outdoor excursion helping out to bring a woodland trail to an overgrown park.  Not my normal work out but still got in some leg work as it was quite up and down hilly terrain.

Lunch: Salmon burger on skinny bun with avocado, and tomato.

Snack: Fried egg sandwich with avocado, tomato, turkey, and almond butter.

Dinner: Ok not really a dinner, more like a snack nightmare.  I did have a small serving (Probably the right size just not enough overall) of chicken with rice and cheese.  I was at friends to play DnD so there was Mike's Lemonades, I had two large drinks.  I then proceeded to over indulge in chips.  I ended up snacking on chips all nite.  My fault for not actually eating a real meal.  See that number at the top in red?  I suspect a bit of sabotage on my part.  Don't know why I don't want to lose weight but when I do things like eating a whole bag of potato chips ( they were Sunchips so that makes it better, right?) it does make you wonder.  Food ;( for thought.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Day Seventy-eight

So here we are again the day before weigh-in and I'm not sure if I will be surprised in the morning.  This week has been ok as far as eating and exercising.  I have had a bit of a set back, nothing serious, exercising as my leg did limit me a couple of days.  I ended up doing two days in a row of weight training but tried to not do the same area's of muscle.  On Weds I did pulling exercises and Thurs I did pushing exercises so those should count as different muscle groups.  I'm still good on the belt loop as it's pushing the fourth notch most of the time.  So here's what I ate today:

Breakfast: Egg sandwich with turkey, avocado, tomato, on a skinny bun.  Banana and 20oz cold water.

Snack: Greek yogurt and almonds

Lunch: Hamburger on skinny bun with cheese, tomato, avocado, and a hunk of pastry.

No afternoon snack

Dinner: A hamburger with tomato, avocado, egg on a skinny bun with mustard and onion rings (about 12).

I took Pepsin capsules at all three meals.  Ok tomorrow is just around the corner and I will be doing some heavy lifting.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Day Seventy-seven

My leg is getting better.  I went to the gym after work and did another weight training session instead of cardio.  I did do the recumbent bike afterwards but kept it short and didn't push it on the hills like normal.  Hopefully my leg will be better by Sat as it's supposed to be nice and I will try for a bike ride.  Alright here's the story of my food life for the day:

Breakfast: Egg sandwich with turkey, skinny bun, avocado, tomato, and almond butter.  Banana and 20oz of cold water.

Snack: Greek yogurt w/almonds

Lunch: Steak sandwich on whole wheat bread with tomato, avocado, peanut butter, and cheese.  Also an orange.

Snack: Slice of whole wheat bread with peanut butter

Dinner: Spinach salad with tomato, cottage cheese, quinoa, mini pot stickers, yellow pepper, and low fat dressing.  100 calorie bag of popcorn and a candy cane from Christmas.  Silly I know but a small indulgence.

So that was the day's worth of food and foolishness.  I should add that at breakfast and lunch I took a Pepsin capsule with the meal.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Day Seventy-seven

Woke up today with a rather painful leg.  Not sure what I did but it was bad enough to not go to the gym yesterday.  I also limited myself during my morning routine.  Other than that everything seemed to be fine.  I had a fairly normal day, the belt loop was hovering around 4 and that felt good.

Breakfast: Egg sandwich with skinny bun, tomato, turkey, avocado, cheese, and almond butter.  Banana and 20oz of cold water.

Snack: Greek yogurt and almonds

Lunch: Steak sandwich on whole wheat bread, avocado, peanut butter, tomato, roasted peppers, and lettuce.  Quinoa with a sprinkle of cheese.

Snack: Greek yogurt

Dinner: Spinach salad with avocado, roasted peppers and brussel sprouts, cottage cheese, quinoa, salmon patty, and salsa for dressing.  An apple with dipping almond butter and three pieces of Laffy Taffy.

Lifted weights for upper body at the gym to try and not put stress on the leg.  Took a Pepsin capsule with breakfast and lunch.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Day Seventy-six

Today was a normal day except for the fact that I ended up not going to the gym.  Why you ask?  I'm not sure what I did but my left thigh to my knee was quite painful when I would walk by the end of the day.  If I stood still or sat down it was fine but I was limping if I tried to walk.  It wasn't imobilizing but still caused me to limp and so I felt I should let it rest and not go to the gym.  L said that if it made you cry you should probably take a day off.  It wasn't making me cry but it hurt enough that it was time to take a break.  Other than that a normal day.  As you will see even the food that entered my world was normal:

Breakfast: Egg sandwich with skinny bun, turkey, cheese, tomato, and almond butter.  Banana and 20oz of cold water.  Pepsin capsule.

Snack: Greek yogurt w/almonds

Lunch: Turkey burger on wheat bread, avocado, peanut butter, lettuce, cheese, and tomato.  Quinoa with a bit of cheese mixed in zapped in the microwave.  Someone brought in a cake and I had a piece that was about 1" square and was satisfied.  I did take a Pepsin capsule as I have some at work now.

Snack: Greek yogurt

Dinner: Veggie mixture of spinach, roasted peppers and brussel sprouts, broccoli, sprinkle of cheese, cottage cheese, quinoa, and slices of steak.

So it felt weird to not go to the gym but my leg is feeling better.  I will be curious tomorrow morning as to how it will feel and depending I might not do my normal morning routine.  We'll see.  Stay tuned. 

Monday, April 9, 2012

Day Seventy-five

Ah here we are the beginning of a new week and I'm still over doing it at the dinner table.  I do feel great and my clothes are fitting quite nicely.  I'm starting the Pepsin regimen but haven't figured it out completely.  I will have to take some to work so I can take one with lunch.  I won't take any at dinner as it says not to take with veggies and fruits.  Dinner these days is almost always a salad of some type.  More thoughts after the menu of the day:

Breakfast: Egg sandwich with skinny bun, tomato, turkey, cheese, and almond butter.  Banana and 20oz of cold water.  Took a Pepsin capsule.

Snack:  Greek yogurt and almonds

Lunch: Turkey burger on whole wheat bread with tomato, cheese, lettuce, peanut butter, pickle, and an orange.  No the orange was not part of the turkey burger, it was separate.  Sheesh.

Snack: slice of whole wheat bread and peanut butter wrapped around a pickle

Dinner: Spinach salad with sliced steak, cottage cheese, roasted peppers and brussel sprouts, quinoa, and dressing.  I also tried something L told me about.  Took a very ripe banana and mushed it up with some cocoa mix (she suggested real cocoa I didn't have any).  It didn't come out like she described it but it was still tasty.  Somewhat like a chocolate banana.  Which is exactly what it was......

After I ate dinner I was watching TV feeling quite satisfied from my dinner salad, when a commercial came on for Dairy Queen.  I immediately felt my brain start to try to convince me I was hungry.  Seriously this was like not even 20 minutes since I'd finished a good sized and great tasting salad.  Man it just goes to show you have to be on your game constantly or else you will get sucked in. Something for me to keep in mind.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Day Seventy-four

So it's Sunday and the day I try to not work out but still get exercise.  If the weather is nice I will get in a bike ride.  Today it's nice at least in the morning, so bike ride here I come.  I also like to grocery shop for the week and so today got an early start and it worked out great.  Hardly any crowd and I was able to hit the veggie stand.  The story is as follows:

Breakfast: Oatmeal with cottage cheese and 20oz of cold water.  In addition I took a Pepsin capsule.  I am going to be more consistent with that after talking with L yesterday.  When I get back from the bike ride I will do lunch and take a capsule then.

Lunch: After the hour long bike ride I had lunch and it consisted of a turkey burger on whole wheat sliced bread ( the good kind I checked).  Condiments were mustard, almond butter, lettuce, tomato, cheese, an egg, and some roasted peppers.  Had a side of sweet potato fries from Trader Joe's.  I took a Pepsin capsule after lunch.

Snack: Handful of almonds

Dinner: Had a stir fry with chicken, broccoli, carrot, and peppers.  There was a bed of roasted brussel sprouts, peppers, and quinoa.  Added a couple of scoops of cottage cheese.  A glass and a half of red wine.  I also took a Pepsin capsule with dinner.

It was a nice day so was able to get out and ride the bicycle.  Went for an hour and felt great to do that.  Now I just have to convince myself to try and ride to work one day a week.  That's all I'm askin' just one day a week.  Actually it would be fun, especially the ride home as I'd get my work out in on the way and still have the rest of the night to goof off.  And we know how I like to goof off.

Day Seventy-three

So here we are again.  The weigh-in was a bit disappointing as no weight was lost.  247  I will say though my clothes (especially pants/belt) felt looser this past week.  I will say that I did not go to the gym M-Th as I have been the last few weeks.  I went to the chiropractor on Monday so didn't want to come to the gym that day.  I went the rest of the week though.  So will be meeting with L for the Sat work out and will make the commitment to continue for now.  I'm actually thinking the entire year but we'll see.  Here food tape measure for Sat:

Breakfast:  My typical Saturday morning meal was the same as it always is on Sat.  Oatmeal with cottage cheese mixed in and 20oz of cold water.

After work out lunch: Salad  with tomato, cauliflower, avocado, sliced pieces of steak, cottage cheese, and mango-peach salsa.

Dinner: BBQ'd brat soaked in Guinness along with potato salad (non traditional), chips, bbq veggies, and bbq teriyaki chicken.  For dessert there was eclairs.  Drinks were two canned Mike's alcohol lemonade. 

Snack: Later in the evening there was a fruit salad consisting of pineapple, blueberries, and watermelon.  Two cereal bowls of that.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Day Seventy-two

So today I had an epiphany of sorts.  I have figured out that I am getting fitter.  Not the best wording but still makes my point.  I had been thinking that it was time to go on my own and not continue with the personal training.  Now it wasn't because I felt I wasn't getting anything out of it anymore.  On the contrary I was reaping many benefits.  Among other things it's good to have someone to talk to who knows what you're trying to do.  It was just feeling like it was time to strike out on my own.  Here's where it gets a bit of Too Much Information time.  I was sitting on the toilet and this random thought popped into my head, I was looking at a scar on my upper thigh.  This scar was from my childhood and it's always drawn my eyes to it.  Today when this random thought crossed my mind I looked at the scar and realized my upper thigh actually looked a bit toned.  Yes, not as flabby as it has been for most of my adult life.  What can I attribute this tone to?  Guess what, the workouts I've done with L is my first guess.  Of course I've also tried to keep going to the gym during the week.  That would be another benefit of working out with L as she always asks or acknowledges me when we see each other at the gym.  Encouragement is always a big help in this situation. So something to think about.  In case you're wondering I realize I will never look like I could have at 25 if I'd started back then but still I do see the possibilities of what I can do.  I want to continue with L and see where this could go.  I know I'm older but I think it could be good and I want to make it work.  Ok here's what I put in the body today:

Breakfast: Oatmeal with cottage cheese, thin bun with lemon crud, three slices of turkey, banana, and 20oz cold water.

Snack: Greek yogurt and almonds

Lunch: Chicken patty from Trader Joe's on two slices of whole wheat bread, tomato, mache, avocado, and chinese mustard and peanut butter.  Serving of quinoa from Trader Joe's which is a prepared mix.

No afternoon snack

Dinner: To start two glasses of red wine followed by a soup mix made up of low sodium chicken stock, mini pot stickers, broccoli, carrots, and a salmon patty.  After dinner snack was two pieces of candy and a 100 cal bag of popcorn.

So there we go.  Tomorrow is weigh-in day so we'll see how it actually went.  I have no opinion other than my belt loop went to 4 a few times this week and it wasn't uncomfortable with it at 4.  Getting better every day.  Going to a BBQ tomorrow also so it will be fun to see how I do with that.

Day Seventy-one

Here it is:

Breakfast: Egg sandwich with turkey, tomato, avocado, and thin bun.  Banana and 20oz of cold water.

Snack: Greek yogurt and almonds

Lunch: Pasta with chicken spaghetti sauce mixed with broccoli and mini peppers, and a chunk of bread.

Snack: no snack still full from lunch

Dinner: Green salad with broccoli, cauliflower, avocado, mache, pasta, cottage cheese, salmon, and dressing.  Also still felt hungry so had half of a fancy cup cake and a thin bun with almond butter, lemon crud, and two slices of turkey.

Went to the gym after work but was not feeling up to working out.  I still showed up though and once I got going I felt much better.  I ended up doing my normal cardio workout which is the 40 min version mixed up between the recumbent bike, the rowing machine, and the treadmill.  I was feeling a bit sore from the weight training workout that I did the nite before.  Still ended up feeling an accomplishment at the end.  I have once again proven to myself that working out has a benefit.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Day Seventy

Nothing to say.  Just a list of food:

Breakfast: Egg sandwich with turkey, avocado, tomato, and skinny bun.  Banana and 20oz of cold water.

Snack: Greek yogurt and almonds

Lunch: Can of turkey chili with broccoli and cheese.  Also a chunk of bread.

Snack: Apple and peanut butter

Dinner: Bowl of pasta mixed with sauce.  Added broccoli and mini pepper, cottage cheese and regular cheese.

Lifted weights at the gym and did 12 minutes of sprints on the recumbent bike.

Also took the Pepsin capsule at dinner.  Felt better than the first one I took at breakfast on Day Sixty-seven.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Day Sixty-nine

So here's today's story:

Breakfast: Egg sandwich with turkey, avocado, cheese, and skinny bun.  Banana and 20oz of cold water.

Snack: Greek yogurt with almonds

Lunch: Can of black bean soup from Trader Joe's.  Added broccoli and pasta mixed with spaghetti sauce.

No snack forgot to eat it.  Must have still been full from lunch.

Dinner: Salad with cauliflower, some pasta (same as lunch), cottage cheese, avocado, salmon patty, corn salsa, and low fat dressing.  After eating the salad I had a bit more of the pasta.

Went to the gym and did the 40 minute cardio workout.  Mixed up between recumbent bike, rowing, and treadmill.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Day Sixty-eight

Breakfast: Egg sandwich with cheese, tomato, turkey, and skinny bun.  Banana and 20oz of cold water.

Snack: Greek yogurt with almonds

Lunch: Can of split pea soup (Trader Joe's) with broccoli and cauliflower.

Snack: Apple with peanut butter

Dinner: Rotini noodles with spaghetti sauce and shredded chicken.  Added broccoli and mini peppers sprinkled with shredded cheese.  Cottage cheese.

My clothes felt good today.  I am encouraged more and more as time goes on.  I'm thinking though that I need to try and not become complacent.  I still have a long way to go in this journey.  It really is one day at a time and one pound at a time.  I just have to keep the faith and not get discouraged.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Day Sixty-seven

It's the first day of April and the start of the fourth month of my journey.  I am quite happy with where I am at this point even though I had hoped to be further along.  I can't fault my progress though so never look back always try to look forward.  I will remember the lessons of the past and try to keep things moving.  That was a bit heavy but the truth.  Today I started taking an over the counter remedy to help what I eat be more efficient.  We'll see if that makes a difference.  It's an experiment but I'm not married to it.  I'll let it run it's course.  Today was a day of walking, I spent over two and a half hours walking around the Emerald City Comic Con.  A fun way to get in some exercise.  So with that in mind here's the story for today:

Breakfast:  I had purchased a sandwich from a local sandwich maker yesterday and ended up not eating it.  So for breakfast today I ate it.  It was good.  It was an 8" wheat with avocado, turkey, bacon, lettuce, tomato, cucumber, pickles, olive, and peppercini.  I then took a Pepsin capsule to help promote the efficiency of what I just ate.  L recommended this.  I ate this at 7am.  I also had 20oz of cold water.

Lunch: This was after the Con so it was around 1pm. We stopped at a place for lunch and it was a bar.  I had an order of onion rings and then had a hamburger with cheese, tomato, lettuce, and bacon, along with a healthy order of sweet potato fries.  I ate all of the onion rings, except for a few my lunch partner had, and some deep fried pickles.  I only ate half the order of fries and brought the rest home for dinner.  I had a lemon-ade and then finished with water.

Dinner: I had a big plate of stir-fried cauliflower, broccoli, mini peppers, and the rest of the sweet potato fries, mixed with three eggs and a big handful of shredded cheese and a small scoop of cottage cheese.  Over the top but I really haven't eaten that meal in like forever.  I took another one of the Pepsin capsule's.

So there we go.  Another Sunday done and gone.  I have a chiropractor appointment tomorrow so no gym but will be back at it on Tuesday.