Saturday, March 23, 2013

Day 321

It's meet with L day.  My left knee is tweaking a bit so I'm going to suggest we work upper body we didn't workout at all today.  Lorinda had to talk me down, from my depression (?) over not losing any weight (looking back at the previous week I guess I know why I haven't lost any weight).  I really didn't think I was that bothered but I was.  So we talked, well Lorinda talked and I listened.  I knew what she was saying was good solid advice and a positive vibe aimed at my head.  The positive vibe was also aimed at my heart (not to get too mushy) and I will always appreciate that from her. 

So we talked about writing down everything I eat and watching portion control.  HA good ole' portion control.  Also maybe a bit of feelings surrounding the food.  I think I've done a good job of not eating because I'm sad or happy.  There is still the possibility though that there are other hidden feelings to deal with when it comes to the psychology surrounding food and me.  Of course you can think that all day and if you still eat and eat and eat you're still going to not lose any weight.  So in reality it comes down to the actual food that goes in your body and how much. 
So she also talked about how different foods at different times of the day will affect weight.  So good old carbs are getting a shift in when I'll try to eat them.  For one thing eating some before working out is a good idea and not after working out.  That's when I should be eating protein.  So some changes are coming, I hope.  I will be trying in the coming weeks to re-focus my energy in that direction.

Breakfast: Peanut Butter Larabar and 20oz of cold water.

After the gym meal: Had an egg sandwich.  Skinny bun with roasted pepper and almond butter.  A 5 seed bar from TJ's.

Since I didn't work out at the gym today I worked out at home.  I lifted weights for about an hour.  I tried to mix it up between chest, arms and back exercises.  I then drank one of the protein drinks.

Dinner: I ate dinner around 6pm and it consisted of some of the ground turkey from last weeks lunches stir fried with spinach and broccoli.  I drank a low sodium V-8.

Later for a snack I had a 100cal bag of popcorn and a spice tea.

I went to get the new bike today but unfortunately it wasn't ready.  There was a mix-up on the color (yes I wanted a specific color).  So they said it would probably be ready tomorrow.  I left my old bike with them to switch over the seat (mine's very cushy), the handle bar grips, and the bike lock bracket.  I rode around on one of the bikes like I'll be getting (wrong color) and again it felt great so can't wait for mine to be ready.

So tomorrow is running day and I'm going to run at a different place.  This area was recommended by my boss, who's a runner.  I'm looking forward to trying out a new venue for my running.  L and I talked about my feeling clumsy and un-coordinated when I run.  She gave me some sage advice based on her running experiences.  I'll try to incorporate them into my session tomorrow.

Okay quite the post today but I wanted to get it all down on screen so I can reference back to it next time I'm feeling down about not losing weight.  The takeaway today?  Everybody hits a wall as your body figures out what you're doing to it.  It then says "no way Jose".  So you gotta convince it that it's in every body's best interest to go along with the new program.  Sometimes that means You have to take control and make the hard choices even if that makes you uncomfortable.  Because if you want to live forever you better make sure your body comes along for the ride.

1 comment:

Rinda said...

So proud of you! L