Monday, March 4, 2013

Day 299

Short and sweet.  It's my day off and I did get out of bed a bit earlier than I have lately.  So I did get in a mini workout.

Breakfast: Egg and ham sandwich on a skinny bun with tomato and avocado.  Banana and 20oz of cold water.

1st snack: Greek yogurt and almonds

Lunch: Spinach salad with quinoa, tomato, cauliflower, salmon patty, and salsa for dressing.

no afternoon snack other than the Honest Ice tea

Dinner: A slice of pizza and a grinder (sandwich) made with meatballs and spaghetti sauce.

It was a wild and crazy day at work so I did treat myself to a couple of adult beverages.  Later I dove into a bag of Sunchips and ate a good quantity of them.  Again eating stuff I should be avoiding but just can't seem to stay away.  Might that be the reason for the no weight loss these past 6 or 8 months??

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