So yesterday was a bit off for me. As I said Daylight savings time seemed to throw me a curve. So this morning I got up earlier but still not as early as I really want to. I do seem to be back on track though so let's see what happens tomorrow for the weight contest weigh in. To start off here's the food list for today:
Breakfast: Egg and ham sandwich on two slices of the low carb high protein bread with tomato and avocado. A pear and 20oz of cold water.
1st snack: Greek yogurt and almonds
Lunch: My homemade chili and a slice of plain toast.
2nd snack: The protein drink
Dinner: Greek yogurt and chia seeds along with some almonds. I also had a dark chocolate bar from TJ's.
Went to the gym (as usual) after work and lifted weights. I'm trying to lift weights on Tues if I think Tabata will be more legs and if I think it will be more arms I'll lift weights on Monday. So this week I did a routine L had written up last summer. I came away feeling good. I really am heading towards lifting more weights during the week. That's my plan anyway.
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