Thursday, March 7, 2013

Day 303

Day before Tabata! and also weigh in day for the weight loss contest.  I have no expectations for the weight loss but am once again looking forward to Tabata!  

Thought I'd try the one or two days a week not eating much of anything plan again.  So today I got up late and only had my 20oz of cold water and no breakfast.  When I got to work an hour later I had an Apple Pie Larabar.  Two and a half hours later I had the Greek yogurt and almonds for a snack.  I then had a spinach salad that was smaller than normal but it did have quinoa, tomato, yellow zucchini with salsa for dressing.  Some one brought in donuts in the afternoon so I was good and only had a half of a donut.  I realize that sounds wrong (a half of a donut? Really?) but I really did only have a half.  Went to the gym and did cardio.  Came home and continued the eating less plan, so I had another Greek yogurt but this one had Chia seeds mixed in.  A very small bowl of quinoa, 5.5oz low sodium V-8, and a small bowl (about two handfuls) of the wasabi peas and nuts mix.  A bit later ate 4-5 strawberries. I didn't feel hungry so I guess that worked.  It was two days after the running of Padden so was watching to see if I'd feel starved.  L and I talked about that possibility because of the previous week where I seemed to just pork out indiscriminately.  I want this week to be different.

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