Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Day 315

It's run around Lake Padden day again.  The weather was much better this time than the last few weeks.  I really felt good running, well as good as you can feel pounding your body into the ground.  Ca'mon that's what running really is.  I did improve over the last weeks run though so guess I can't complain to much.  Plus I walked away.

Ran clockwise.  Time: 41min

Breakfast: Greek yogurt and almonds plus 20oz of cold water.

After the run meal: Went and had Thai food.  I had a pad thai type of noodle dish with chicken, broccoli, peppers, and tomato with sprouts.  I made it 3 star so it was a bit spicy.  I liked it.  I also had a Thai Tea drink. 

Having to think about lunches for the coming week.  I decided on turkey tacos.  I picked up some brown rice tortillas and will mix them with turkey meat and black beans.  I'll take an avocado and salsa along with broccoli and cauliflower stir fried to add veggie to the taco.

In the afternoon I had a 100cal bag of popcorn.

Dinner was a broccoli stir fry with shrimps.  Finished off the cream soda float.  Now to get ready for the coming work week.  I'm wondering if I'll have lost any weight when weigh in day comes along?

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