Sunday, March 10, 2013

Day 307

Yay meet with L day.  I'll be curious to see what she has for me today.  I've tried to incorporate the Sat workout into the following week's workout and I'm liking that it seems to so far be the correct choice.  

Breakfast: Greek yogurt and Chia seeds along with 20oz of cold water.

After workout meal: Two egg frittata with ham and spinach along with quinoa.  

Dinner: Much later in the evening I broke curfew and went to McD's for two fish fillets and came home and baked up some onion rings from TJ's.  I'd been craving something like that and so hope it will satisfy that craving for a while. 

Had another great workout with L.  Tomorrow is run around Lake Padden day.  I did my grocery shopping mostly today and I'm not meeting the group so it should be a better day for working out.  Hope the weather holds as today was great and makes me wish for spring. 

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