Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Day 316

Beginning of a new work week and I look forward to trying to once again manage my weight.  I'm still eating yogurt and almonds for dinner during the week.  That is except for Tabata night then I get something more substantial.  I'm thinking I'll go for pizza and salad again.

Breakfast: Egg and ham sandwich on a skinny bun with tomato and avocado.  20oz of cold water.

1st snack: Greek yogurt and almonds and a couple of small slices of snack bread with peanut butter

Lunch: Rice tortilla with turkey, avocado, broccoli and black beans made into a burrito.

2nd snack: Protein drink

Dinner: Greek yogurt and almonds with a 5 seed bar from TJ's and popcorn.  Also brought the ice cream container and ate from it with a spoon.  Ended up having 5-6 spoonfuls of ice cream and then put it away.

Lifted weights tonight after work.  I did a routine that L showed me last year.  I did use heavier weights for most of the reps so I was rather happy to see that I could do that.

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