Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Day 721

It's the start of the new week and two days left of vacation.  Tomorrow morning I'll visit the doctor for the follow up on my surgery and it should go just fine.
I got up a bit earlier than I have the last few days but other than trying to sleep on my side, everything is pretty much the same.

Breakfast: Oatmeal with blue berries and Greek yogurt.  Drank my 20oz of cold water for the first time in a week.

Lunch: Went to lunch with a friend ( cabin fever finally took over).  I didn't drive but we went for Philly cheese steaks.  I had a 6" with mushrooms and an order of garlic fries.  It was quite good.  I didn't eat all of the fries so brought them home to eat later.

Dinner: Made a mixture of ground turkey, the garlic fries from lunch and broccoli, then put it all into two burrito shells.  Quite delicious.

Fingers crossed for a good report tomorrow.  I'd really like to be able to drive again.

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