Monday, April 21, 2014

Day 712

So no actual workout today but I did get some exercise.  My work had a function and we were all running around helping out people for about three hours.  Of course after that we all went out for Mexican.  Still though I wasn't sitting in front of the computer, at least I was moving around.

Breakfast: An old favorite.  Egg/ham and cheese breakfast sandwich.  20oz of cold water.

Lunch: I only ate half of the burrito from the Mexican restaurant.  I took the rest home for later.  I did have a few chips and salsa but nothing crazy.  Also had an adult beverage.

Snack during the day: Almonds

Dinner: Finished off the burrito and had cookies. 

Late night snack: Adult beverage and almonds.

At this point less than 48hrs to the start of the crazy week for me.  Tomorrow I'll eat whatever I want.  Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday are no food days in prep for the colonoscopy and the hernia operation.  So I figure I should go for the gusto.

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