Sunday, April 20, 2014

Day 710

Very different schedule today.  Worked out with L this morning and then went to work for the late shift.  We won't be meeting on Sat as usual and this is the last workout together for a while due to the surgery.  So it was a good workout but also somewhat bittersweet.  I always enjoy getting together with L as she always has good advice.  We've gone over what we'll do in the coming weeks during the recovery and I look forward to the new plans.

Breakfast: This was before the workout so I went for oatmeal and a banana along with the normal 20oz of cold water.

1st snack: This was an after workout snack consisting of a wrap with roast beef, cheese, and guacamole.

Lunch: Salad and a wrap of cheese and guacamole.

Dinner: I wasn't super hungry so just had a protein drink and almonds.

It's going to be strange to not workout for the next few weeks.  Also not meeting with L will be difficult but I'll still be able to stop in and say hi.

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