Monday, April 7, 2014

Day 697

So we're coming up on a milestone for this record.  I've been writing this blog for almost 700 days.  Getting close to two years worth but it seems like way more than that.

Breakfast: Frittata with 20oz of cold water.

1st snack: Greek yogurt.

Lunch: Chicken fajita with kale/broccoli/cabbage and guacamole

2nd snack: Banana

1st dinner: Hot dog

2nd Dinner: Two slices of thin crust pizza and an adult beverage.

So two dinners as I went straight to the movies after work.  I just went for a hot dog and then on the way home a few hours later I had a real meal.  Pizza.  Only two slices though.

Tomorrow I meet with L again.  I'm going to suggest we focus on the back for this session.

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