Sunday, April 27, 2014

Day 718(Post surgery day three)

So I'm feeling much better this morning.  At this point I'm going to hold off on the pain pill as I really don't feel much pain.  I was going to go out and hang with a friend but decided to stay in and keep the current schedule of sitting with some walking around the condo. 
I did walk up to the mailbox and picked up my mail for some extra exercise.  I'll probably do some walking around outside a bit later in the day also.

Breakfast: So made a breakfast burrito.  Three eggs, some bacon, the rest of the quinoa, some tomato, and salsa.

Late afternoon snack: Smoothie.  Again putting that blender to good use.

Dinner: More quinoa this time mixed with sausage, broccoli, and cauliflower. 

So I didn't go for another walk.  I did feel better during the day but still felt like I should be going very easy.  I didn't feel the need for a pain pill at all and I expect that will continue tomorrow.  I am a bit concerned due to not having had a, hmm how do I put this diplomatically?  Let's just say I've been drinking prune juice to help stay regular.  Not too concerned yet but we'll see how tomorrow goes.

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