Monday, April 14, 2014

Day 702

My new running day, at least for now.  I am trying a suggestion by L and running for time not distance.  So today I ran for a total of 26 minutes.  That's 5 min more than I have been running.  So that will be the new goal to run for at least 26min.  Again it didn't suck to badly so I'm continuing on the running program.

Breakfast: Frittata and 20oz of cold water.

Lunch: Roast beef and pastrami wrap with roasted peppers, guacamole, lettuce, cheese, and tomato.  Also a single serving bag of chips and two small slices of banana bread.

Dinner: Hamburger on whole wheat bread with a slice of bacon and an egg with peanut butter.  Slice of banana bread.

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