Saturday, March 29, 2014

Day 686

Start of a new work week and this week will be a bit dysfunctional.  In the middle of the week I've got a dentist appointment so I'm working the late shift.  On the same day there is a staff meeting so I'll end up eating some take out Thai food they'll bring in.  Plus I won't be able to go to the gym that day.
I want to be conservative for the rest of the week since I'll be skipping a workout. 

Breakfast: Frittata with chicken (shredded KFC) and veggie.  With cottage cheese and salsa.

Lunch: Chicken fajita with guacamole and broccoli/kale/cabbage slaw.

Afternoon break: Greek yogurt

Dinner: Protein drink.  Stir fry broccoli and cauliflower.

More upper body at the gym.  Building the chest and arms, oh yeah.

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